
Do you prefer an active or passive fund manager?

There are typically two styles of fund managers: active and index (or passive).  An active manager tries to beat the market by picking and choosing investments that aim to outperform a benchmark index, such as the S&P ASX300 index. Index managers take a more passive approach and aim to replicate an index’s return. They do this by tracking the returns of the index they follow by buying most of the holdings in that index.

Change in Registry Service Provider

Please be advised that Centuria is transitioning its registry service provider to Boardroom Pty Limited (BoardRoom) for all investments. The transition follows a comprehensive review of our registry services and tender process. BoardRoom has a 30-year track record in safely managing share registries, offering an efficient, tailored and cost-effective solution, which can deliver an optimal experience for all unitholders.

Superannuation is very tax-effective, BUT…!

By Michael Blake, Head of Centuria Life Superannuation is the most tax-effective vehicle in which to save for retirement, but it does come with restrictions. Recent changes to the super system has meant people can no longer put as much money into super as they could previously. This has led to a resurgence of interest in alternative tax-effective savings options such as investment bonds.

Are the super changes affecting your retirement planning?

If they’re not, maybe they should be! Investment bonds can be a tax-effective alternative to super for those Australians affected by last year’s changes. Major changes to the superannuation rules came into effect in mid-2017, and by now, many SMSFs, as well as Australians earning higher salaries, will have either made changes or be considering their alternatives.

Long-term investing made simple

An investment bond is the ultimate set-and-forget long-term investment plan – with the added benefit of flexibility and tax-effectiveness. Sometimes it takes a shock to focus the mind, and when it comes to money and investments, it’s rarely a good shock. The Christmas credit card statement springs to mind, or the realisation of just how much you are going to need for school fees before you need it.

Five steps to achieving your new year’s investment resolutions

One of the most common new year’s financial resolutions is “spend less and save more”. We all know that making regular contributions into an investment works. That’s the magic of compound returns. Indeed, Albert Einstein is said to have described compound interest as the most powerful force in the universe, and the eighth wonder of the world.

Strategies to fund a gap year

The gap year is fast becoming a rite of passage for many young Australians, as they seek a break between the rigours of their final year of school and commencing further studies at tertiary level. Some students take a break to work and earn money to help them through uni, while others seek experiences – some for fun,

Is your investment strategy stopping you choosing your own retirement date

Why super isn’t the only long-term saving plan Most of us would love to be able to choose when we retire – preferably before we are too old to enjoy it. At the same time, because we are living longer, we need to be realistic about how long we are likely to be in retirement and how much money we will need to fund this time.

Funding your child’s education using an investment bond

Funding education for children is a problem that all parents eventually confront. Costs vary widely between the public and private sectors, but there is no such thing as a free education. According to the latest cost estimates, for a child born in 2017 you can expect to pay a total of around $68,613 for a public education and $487,093 for a private one.

The clock is ticking to act on super changes. If you’re still confused, read on.

From 1 July 2017, major changes to the superannuation rules announced in the 2016 Federal Budget came into effect. Nearly six months on, many Australians remain confused by the changes, and unsure about how they will be affected.  The good news is that there is still time to look into tax-effective alternatives. Neil Rogan, General Manager,