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How to choose the right office to invest in

Today’s employees, businesses and office tenants are now more complex than they once were and this has altered their demands and expectations.
Australia Place_15-17 Willian St Perth WA

Why invest in office real estate?

Office real estate has been popular with investors over the years because of its solid characteristics.
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Guide to bank funding

There are a few key aspects of a Loan Facility which investors should be aware of, particularly in terms of the risk which the loan adds to an investment.

Where to invest in industrial real estate?

Do your research if you are choosing to invest in industrial property – or any type of property for that matter.

Global consumption trends driving demand

Population growth will increase food consumption, diversify diets and consequently increase the demand for Australian food and fibre.

Agricultural real estate – Australia’s position

Investment in Australian agricultural real estate offers exposure to an asset class with strong underlying fundamentals.
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Strong domestic supply chain

Recent supply chain disruption has brought to focus the essential need to access locally produced agricultural products.
Telstra data centre clayton VIC

Different types of industrial real estate

There are broadly five different kinds of industrial real estate to invest in.

Main drivers behind industrial real estate

Larger economic and social themes are creating significant change in industrial markets.

Why invest in industrial real estate?

The demand for industrial property has increased off the back of growth in e-commerce, food logistics and infrastructure investments.

How to invest in industrial real estate?

Interested in industrial property investing? There are a couple of different options available to you as an investor.

eBook – Why invest in healthcare?

The healthcare property sector has delivered strong returns and experienced relatively low volatility when compared to traditional real estate asset classes. Download the eBook to learn why.
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