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Contact us


Our offices

Sydney Head office

(02) 8923 8923

Level 41, Chifley Tower
2 Chifley Square
Sydney NSW 2000

Melbourne office

(03) 9616 6500

Level 47
101 Collins Street
Melbourne Vic 3000


Perth office

(08) 9321 7133

Level 27
140 St Georges Terrace
Perth WA 6000

Brisbane office

(07) 3905 7000

Level 2
348 Edward Street
Brisbane Qld 4000



Centuria Capital

Shareholder enquiries

1800 182 257

Centuria Capital Limited
Share Registry
GPO Box 3993
Sydney NSW 2001

Company Secretary – Anna Kovarik

(02) 8923 8923

Fax: (02) 9460 2960

Level 41, Chifley Tower
2 Chifley Square



Funeral products

Centuria Funeral Benefit Fund and Guardian Funeral Bond

1300 50 50 50



Investor relations

Feedback and complaints

(02) 8923 8923

Please read our complaints page for more information.



Media enquiries

Alexandra Koolman

0467 797 421