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About Centuria Capital Group

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Centuria Capital (CNI)

Centuria Capital Group (ASX:CNI) is an Australian Securities Exchange (ASX)-listed specialist funds manager with $21.1 billion in assets under management1. For more than 20 years we have been helping investors grow their wealth through property investment and investment bonds.

We work relentlessly to understand opportunities in the market, and our 20 years of experience and depth of industry contacts allows us to discover market value where others don’t. We hold ourselves to the highest standards to ensure our investors’ best interests are served.

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For enquiries regarding security holding or contact details, please login to Centuria Investor. Please have your Unitholder Number ready to quote.


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1. Assets under management (AUM) as at 30 June 2024. All figures above are in Australian dollars (currency exchange ratio of AU$1.000:NZ$1.0927 as at 30 June 2024). Numbers presented may not add up precisely to the totals provided due to rounding. AUM includes assets exchanged to be settled, cash and other assets and the impact of revaluations during the period​.

2. Tenancy profile is shown aggregated across all funds managed by Centuria and is not representative of any single fund or property. Excludes land, development assets, US syndicates, Centuria Bass Credit, assets exchanged yet to be settled.