05/02/25 |
The Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus (ToBRV), which was the subject of our Continuous Disclosure dated 1 October 2024, has recently been discovered in tomato plants grown by a tenant of a glasshouse facility owned by the Fund in Victoria.
Following detection, Agriculture Victoria has placed biosecurity controls on the facility which means it is currently under quarantine to prevent the spread of ToBRFV. The tenant is working closely with Agriculture Victoria to ensure it is able to recommence operations as soon as possible.
Under the terms of its lease, the tenant is required to continue to meet its obligations in full, including the payment of rent. Centuria has undertaken a detailed risk assessment of the situation and has concluded that at this stage the potential financial risk to the Fund is low.
The Fund remains committed to its current strategy of acquiring protected cropping assets, such as glasshouses, that allow operators to control the growing environment whilst decreasing wastage, increasing water efficiency and mitigating the risks of extreme weather. These high-tech farming practices, which provide a controlled environment, will assist the operator to contain and manage this biosecurity risk.
Centuria will continue to monitor the situation closely including the potential impact on the Fund and will provide further updates as information becomes available. |
01/10/24 |
The Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus (ToBRV) has recently been discovered in South Australia. We are closely monitoring the situation and at this stage none of the crops from our tenants’ facilities have tested positive to the virus. Our tenants are some of the most sophisticated operators in the industry and are implementing global best biosecurity practices to prevent the virus from entering their facilities. For more information on how the virus is impacting the industry and our investments read Biosecurity measures in place for South Australian tomato producers. |
02/07/24 |
The Fund has settled on its fifth high quality asset, the Katunga Fresh glasshouse located in Katunga, Victoria. Following settlement, the Fund’s portfolio has increased to $441.3 million. |
03/05/24 |
Effective 3 May 2024, the Fund will no longer be offered to investors in Singapore.
The Manager has determined it is in the best interest of investors to withdraw the Fund’s Singaporean offering for the time being. The offering is not providing the intended benefit to the Fund due to low inflows and annual compliance costs. The Manager will continue to assess the viability of offering the Fund in Singapore and may reactivate the offer in the future if it considers it is in the best interests of investors to do so.
The PDS dated 3 May 2024 has been updated to reflect this change. |
03/05/24 |
The Fund has exchanged1 on its fifth high quality asset, the Katunga Fresh glasshouse located in Katunga, Victoria. The acquisition features a 20-year triple-net lease which is due to settle on or around 1 July 2024. Following the purchase, the Fund’s portfolio will increase to $441.3 million with a WALE of 17.0 years.
The property comprises of a 21-hectare glasshouse which uses lighting technology to increase growing hours and aids in offsetting the seasonality of production. The asset has production capacity for approximately 16,000 tonnes of truss tomatoes per annum. In addition to glasshouse facilities, the acquisition includes large packing sheds, energy infrastructure and substantial onsite water storage capacity.
1. Centuria has entered into a Unit Purchase Deed for the purchase of the Katunga Fresh Produce Unit Trust which is subject to customary conditions precedent that must be completed prior to settlement. The transaction is expected to settle on, or around, 1 July 2024. |
22/12/23 |
The Fund has exchanged and settled on its fourth high quality asset, the P’Petual glasshouse in Riverlea Park, SA, for $21.50 million. The acquisition features a 10-year triple-net lease with fixed annual rental reviews and following the purchase, the Fund’s portfolio has increased to $351.25 million with a WALE of 16.6 years.
The asset, located at 234 Carmelo Road, Riverlea Park SA, provides 12 hectares of protected cropping within a 59-hectare land parcel. This includes six hectares of glasshouses and six hectares of double skinned plastic greenhouses. These facilities have the capacity to produce approximately 1,488 tonnes of tomatoes, 136 tonnes of cucumbers, 517 tonnes of eggplants and 43 tonnes of capsicums per annum.
Additionally, the asset includes large packing sheds along with onsite energy, fertigation and reverse osmosis infrastructure as well as a Development Application approval for a four-hectare glasshouse, providing a value-add opportunity to increase operations to deliver even larger volumes of produce. |
01/08/23 |
Performance data correction: We recently identified the Centuria Agriculture Fund’s performance data was incorrectly disclosed in the April and May 2023 Monthly Fact Sheet and Investor Update. At all times, the Fund’s unit price and distribution amounts have been calculated, distributed, and paid correctly. To view the correct performance data for these periods please click here. |
21/04/23 |
We have reviewed and updated the Target Market Determination for the Fund. The updated TMD is available in the Fund’s website, within the Investor Centre section. |
23/03/23 |
The Fund has exchanged contracts on its third high quality asset, located at 160 Elm St, Guyra NSW, for $76 million and is anticipated to settle on the property on 31 March 2023.
The asset includes a 20-hectare tomato glasshouse at the Guyra site. The transaction is the Fund’s third off-market glasshouse acquisition taking the total size of its glasshouses under management to c.74-hectares, worth $323million with an 18.1-year WALE1, 5.50cpu target distribution rate (annualised)2 and 8% p.a.+ target total return3.
Agreement has been reached with the existing tenant, Tomato Exchange Pty Ltd, for a new and extended lease on a 15-year, triple-net lease term with CPI-linked annual rent reviews. Tomato Exchange produces 12,800 tonnes of tomatoes from the asset each year. The tenant is a wholly owned subsidiary of ASX-listed Costa Group, Australia’s largest grower, packer and marketer of vegetable and fresh fruit, which has long-standing relationships with Australian blue-chip fresh produce retailers including Coles, Woolworths, Aldi, Costco and Harris Farms.
In addition to the 20 hectare glasshouse, the asset includes a one-acre nursery, 65 megalitre (ML) dam, packing and distribution sheds and cool rooms.
The Fund is now open for investment. The Centuria Agriculture Fund is an open-ended unlisted property fund, with daily unit pricing and a limited quarterly liquidity facility, appealing to investors wishing to access high-quality agricultural investments, leased to reputable operators on strong lease covenants. Management will continue to provide disclosures on material events, and a quarterly report will be made available to investors in April 2023.
- Weighted Average Lease Expiry (WALE) by asset value as at 1 March 2023
- The target distribution rate is the distribution budgeted to be paid for the first month post settlement of the Elm St Glasshouse, which is anticipated to be April 2023, annualised (assuming equal monthly distributions). Actual distributions for subsequent months will be updated on Centuria’s website.
- Target total return only. Centuria will seek to identify properties with income and property attributes that it assesses will contribute to the delivery of the target rates. The target rate is not a forecast, is predictive in nature and is subject to assumptions, risks and circumstances (both known and unknown) that may be outside of the control of Centuria. These assumptions include that the proposed/contracted acquisitions will be acquired by the Fund at current valuations and that funding will be secured at a particular interest rate. The actual returns may differ from the target return. The RE does not guarantee the performance of Fund, the repayment of capital or any income or capital return. Refer to the PDS for assumptions and risks relating to the Fund and its strategy.
16/12/22 |
The Fund has secured its second high quality asset, the Sundrop Farms glasshouse in Port Augusta for $70 million. The acquisition features a 20-year triple-net lease with CPI-linked annual rental reviews and following the purchase, the Fund’s portfolio has increased to $247 million with a WALE of 19.2 years. |
20/07/22 |
The Fund is now open for investment. The Centuria Agriculture Fund is an open-ended unlisted property fund, with daily unit pricing and a limited quarterly liquidity facility, appealing to Investors wishing to access high-quality agricultural investments, leased to reputable operators on strong lease covenants. Management will continue to provide disclosures on material events, and a quarterly report will be made available to investors in October 2022. |