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Centuria Diversified Property Fund – Investment portfolio

The Centuria Diversified Property Fund (CDPF) invests in direct property, Centuria unlisted property funds, A-REITs, cash or cash-like products as shown below. There are additional unitholders in Centuria’s unlisted property funds and CDPF’s investment effectively reflects a partial ownership of the underlying property assets.

Portfolio snapshot

As at 30 June 2024

Blue icon circle office building


Blue icon circle tick in shield

weighted occupancy1

Blue icon circle time progressing

weighted average lease expiry (WALE)1

Blue icon circle star
5.2 stars

weighted NABERS rating2

The CDPF targets to invest 90% of the fund in direct property (real property and units in Centuria unlisted property funds). Further information on these property assets are shown below:

1. Weighted by gross income.
2. The NABERS rating is for Energy and applies to the Fund’s office assets only. The Fund’s industrial and social infrastructure assets are not subject to rating.