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30 June distributions and end of year tax statement availability:
Financial year end, including finalising tax components to the FY24 distribution, will cause a slight delay to June 2024 distribution payments. As a result, your distribution payment will be made during the week commencing 22 July 2024, which is similar to prior years. Furthermore, financial year 2024 tax statements will be issued on or around 31 August 2024.

Centuria unlisted property funds investor centre

Centuria opens unlisted property offers to investors wishing to participate in the ownership of high-value commercial property not normally accessible to individuals. Each offering by Centuria follows a careful study of the risks and returns of the property investment. A primary focus is placed on the quality of the property as the underlying asset of each investment opportunity.

If you are an existing investor, you can access information about your holdings on our Centuria Investor website.

Centuria has aligned its reporting frequency for closed ended unlisted property funds to the six monthly valuation cycle for the funds and reporting is now for the periods ending 31 December and 30 June. We host six monthly investor webinars to align with the new reporting frequency. Investors have access to the investor services team and fund managers in between these reporting periods should they wish to discuss their funds in greater detail.

Centuria’s open ended unlisted property funds: Centuria Diversified Property Fund, Centuria Healthcare Property Fund and the Centuria Agriculture Fund will continue to report quarterly.


Frequently asked questions

Please find below the answers to some frequently asked questions around our application process for unlisted property funds.

If you have a question that is not covered below, please contact us and we will assist you personally.

How do I invest in a Centuria Property Fund?

When there is an offer open, you need to download or request the relevant Product Disclosure Statement. You can apply using the Application Form contained in the PDS or via an online application. If you would like to request a PDS for a current offer, or if you would like to register your interest for future offers, please contact Centuria Investor Services Team (02) 8923 8923, or via email

How do I change my address, bank account details or adviser details?

You can manage any changes to your details online or you can download the appropriate form through our Centuria Investor website. If downloading the form, please complete and return it by email or post to the Centuria Investor Services Team:
Address: GPO Box 3993, Sydney NSW 2001
Phone: 1800 182 257 or +61 2 9290 9689 (for international investors)
Fax: +61 2 9279 0664

How do I access the Centuria Investor website?

Access the Centuria Investor website. In order to login you will need your Investment Reference and password. To obtain your Investor Number or password, please contact Centuria Investor Services Team on 1800 182 257.

What can I access in the Centuria Investor website?

The Centuria Investor website contains all the relevant information regarding your investment, including your Unit Holding, Unit Values, Distribution Statements, Tax Statements, Annual Reports and all other correspondence.

My login is not working – who do I contact?

Please contact Centuria Investor Services Team on 1800 182 257 or via email

How are distributions paid?

Any distribution payable will be deposited directly into your nominated bank account. Depending on the Fund, this is either monthly or quarterly.

When will I receive updates on my investment?

Each Investor receives quarterly or monthly distribution statements, quarterly Fund Manager’s reports and their annual tax statements. In addition, Investors receive copies of our Centuria Connect newsletter.

Can I sell my investment?

Generally, Centuria’s open-ended property funds offer Investors the opportunity to withdraw their investment monthly, on a limited basis, subject to the terms outlined in the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS).
Investors in Centuria’s closed-ended property funds should expect to retain their investment for the Fund Term which is generally 5-7 years. The capital value of Centuria’s closed-ended funds will be paid to investors as a result of the underlying property asset(s) being sold and the Fund being wound up. In some circumstances Centuria may offer a Liquidity Event at the end of the Fund term. Details of the Fund Term and possible Liquidity Event can be located in the relevant PDS. There is no secondary market for Centuria’s closed-ended unlisted property funds to trade on, however, it is also possible to transfer a Unit Holding to a new or existing Investor via an off-market transfer. An Investor wishing to transfer their investment will need to independently source a buyer for their holdings.

Can I transfer my units?

You can transfer your units in a Centuria property fund via an off-market transfer with another investing entity. In order to complete a transfer please read the transfer form available from our Centuria Investor website for detailed instructions.

Copies or originals?

The Application form asks you to send us certain documents. Please send us certified copies, not originals. We will keep what you send to us.

Certifying copies

You must have someone certify the copies you send to us. The following people can be the certifier:

  • a Justice of the Peace
  • a Notary public (for the purposes of the Statutory Declaration Regulations 1993)
  • an agent of the Australian Postal Corporation who is in charge of an office supplying postal services to the public
  • a permanent employee of the Australian Postal Corporation with 2 or more years of continuous service who is employed in an office supplying postal services to the public
  • an officer with, or authorised representative of, a holder of an Australian financial services licence, having 2 or more continuous years of service with one or more licensees
  • an officer with 2 or more continuous years of service with one or more financial institutions (for the purposes of the Statutory Declaration Regulations 1993)
  • a finance company officer with 2 or more continuous years of service with one or more finance companies (for the purposes of the Statutory Declaration Regulations 1993)
  • a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia, CPA Australia or the National Institute of Accountants with 2 or more years of continuous membership
  • a person who is enrolled on the roll of the Supreme Court of a State or Territory, or the High Court of Australia, as a legal practitioner (however described)
  • a Judge of a court
  • a magistrate
  • a chief executive officer of a Commonwealth court
  • a registrar or deputy registrar of a court
  • a Police officer
  • an Australian consular officer or an Australian diplomatic officer (within the meaning of the Consular Fees Act 1955).

What should the person certifying write?

“I [name] of [address] being [capacity e.g. Justice of the Peace] certify this and the following [x] pages as a true copy of the original document.” The first page should be signed, and subsequent pages initialed, by the person certifying your documents and include the date of certification and contact details.

Application and AML guidance

Which identification form?

There are three identification forms that follow the application form:

  • Individuals, Joint, Sole Trader (1)
  • Australian Companies (2)
  • Trusts, Trustee & SMSFs (3).

Choose the form that is applicable to your investment entity. Please note, partnerships, associations, cooperatives, foreign companies or Government bodies should contact the Centuria Investor Services Team for the most applicable application form.

New investors

Include all forms and/or certified copies of your ID document(s) with your initial application form when you send it to us. Please refer to the FAQs for more information on getting your original documents certified.

Individual Investors

  • Application form
  • Investor identification form 1 (Applicant 1)
  • Tax information form
  • Originally certified ID document(s) for Investor 1 named in Identification Form 1 – Individuals, Joint, Sole Trader.

Joint investors

  • Application form
  • Investor identification form 1 – individuals, joint, sole trader (complete both Applicant 1 & 2)
  • Tax information form
  • Originally certified ID document(s) for both Investor 1 and Investor 2 named in Identification form 1 – individuals, joint, sole trader.

Australian company investors

  • Application form
  • Investor identification form 2 – Australian companies
  • Tax information form
  • Originally certified ID documents for ALL individuals named in Section 1.5 of Identification Form 2 – Australian companies. Note that if there are no individuals who own or control more than 25% of the company, complete the names of the individual(s) who directly or indirectly control the company.
  • Full ASIC Company extract (the ASIC extract is used to verify that the beneficial owners listed on the form are correct).

Joint individual investors as trustees for a regulated trust (including SMSF)

  • Application Form
  • Investor Identification Form 3 – Trusts, trustees & SMSFs
  • No trust documents are required for complying SMSFs that have provided a valid ABN for the SMSF confirming that it is a complying SMSF.

Company as Trustee for a regulated trust (including SMSF)

  • Application form
  • Investor Identification form 3 – Trusts, trustees & SMSFs
  • No certified identification documents are required for complying SMSFs that have provided a valid ABN for the SMSF confirming that it is a complying SMSF.

Individual investor(s) as Trustee(s) for an Unregulated Trust

Unregulated Trusts include family trusts, unit trusts and testamentary trusts.

  • Application Form
  • Investor Identification Form 3 – Trusts, Trustees & SMSFs
  • Tax Information Form
  • Originally certified ID document(s) for ALL of the following individuals:
    • ONE trustee named in Section 2.1 of Identification Form 3 and
    • The Appointer named in Section 1.2 of Identification Form 3 and
    • The Settlor named in Section 1.2 of Identification Form 3 (if any)
  • Originally certified copy of Trust Deed or other Acceptable Document outlined in Section 1.6 of Identification Form 3.

Company as Trustee for an Unregulated Trust

Unregulated Trusts include family trusts, unit trusts and testamentary trusts.

  • Application Form
  • Investor Identification Form 3
  • Tax Information Form
  • Originally certified ID document(s) for the following individuals:
    • ALL Beneficial Owners of the corporate trustee named in Section 4.5 of Identification Form 3 and
    • The Appointer named in Section 1.2 of Identification Form 3 and
    • The Settlor named in Section 1.2 of Identification Form 3 (if any)
  • Full ASIC Company extract (the ASIC extract is used to verify that the beneficial owners of the corporate trustee are correct)
  • Originally certified copy of Trust Deed or other Acceptable Document outlined in Section 1.6 of Identification Form 3.

Existing investors

Please note that from 1 July 2017, there are new investor disclosure requirements relating to investor’s current tax residency status. The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and Common Reporting Standard (CRS) are regulatory requirements that aim to deter tax evasion by US and other foreign taxpayers. All financial institutions (including fund managers such as Centuria) now have an obligation to report on foreign individuals for tax purposes. As such if you have not had a new investment with us since 1 July 2017 you will need to complete the Tax Information form enclosed in the application.

Application form Tax information form
Australian companies
Joint investors as trustees for SMSF
Company as trustee for SMSF
Joint investors as trustees for family trust (other trust type)
Company as trustee for family trust (other trust type)


Please download the appropriate forms from below for Centuria’s unlisted property funds.

For Investors who want to nominate an international bank account for their distribution payments or funds to be paid into.
To be completed to appoint or change your Australian Financial Services Authorised Representative (Adviser)
Please print, complete your details associated with this application, sign and upload the signature verification document with your online application.
Provide your Tax File Number (TFN) for your investment
Notify us of a death of an investor on our register
Provide us with guardian details for a registered holder that is not yet the legal age of consent
Existing investors can reinvest their distributions and create a distribution reinvestment plan
Existing investors can nominate a bank account for distribution payments or funds to be paid into
Consolidate any holdings registered in your name
Executors/administrators to request a replacement certificate
Individuals to request a replacement certificate
Companies to request a replacement certificate
Nominate a representative to attend any unitholder meetings on your behalf
Where Probate/Letters of administration have been granted in an Australian Territory or State other than where the securities are registered.
Update or correct your name
Nominate to receive all unitholder communication electronically
Record your Tax Residency in accordance with the Foreign Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and the Common Reporting Standard (CRS).
Update address details
Update your contact details

Investor services team

P: 1300 22 44 24
F: (02) 9460 2960

Level 41, Chifley Tower
2 Chifley Square
Sydney NSW 2000

Registry services provider

P: 1800 182 257
F: (02) 9279 0664

Boardroom Pty Limited
Level 12, 225 George Street
Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 3993
Sydney NSW 2001