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Corporate governance

Centuria Capital Group seeks to meet the highest standards of corporate governance and align with the ASX Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations, Australian Securities and Investments Commission and the Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority  requirements. The Group strives to ensure that its business operations are underpinned by robust governance practices and policies, which are reviewed by the Board. The executive leadership team and employees are responsible for upholding the Group’s high corporate governance standards day to day.

Robust governance

Centuria is committed to an open and transparent workplace that is free from corruption and is committed to good corporate governance, compliance and ethical behaviour. Each director, senior executive and employee must act honestly in all our business dealings and take individual responsibility for always acting with integrity, even when this means making difficult choices. This is the founding principle of acting in the best interests of Centuria Capital Group.

Our governance framework aligns with the ASX Corporate Governance Council’s Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations (4th Edition). The Corporate Governance Statements for the Group’s listed funds can be found on our website.

Our governance approach aims to:

  • Set expectations for maintaining standards of honesty, integrity, care, diligence and fair dealing by directors and the Group’s employees in the performance of their duties and responsibilities.
  • Create procedures for dealing with reports made of suspected improper conduct within the Group and provide protection to the individuals making the reports.
  • Minimise the risk of fraud and corruption occurring across the organisation, including subsidiaries. This also includes ongoing strategies for cybersecurity.
  • Continually comply with relevant laws, regulations and industry best practices.
  • Manage environmental, financial and social risk.