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Alphinity Sustainable Share Fund

Investment objective

The Fund aims to outperform the S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index after costs and over rolling five-year periods.

Investment strategy

The Fund is managed by Alphinity and seeks to invest in sustainable companies that have the capacity to make a positive impact on society in areas of economic, environmental and social development.

Specifically, the Fund will target companies which have strong ESG characteristics, display appealing investment characteristics and where possible contribute toward the advancement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) agenda The Fund is intended to be suitable for investors looking to invest in companies that promote sustainable development and social responsibility at the same time as offering attractive prospective returns.

The fund provides low cost, broadly diversified exposure to Australian companies and property trusts listed on the Australian Securities Exchange. It also offers potential long-term capital growth along with dividend income and franking credits.

Investment manager

Alphinity is an equities investment manager established in 2010. It is majority owned by its four founding principals, who have worked together since the early 2000s. Alphinity aims to deliver consistent outperformance for its clients by investing in quality, undervalued companies which its research concludes are in, or about to enter, a period of earnings upgrades. Its process for identifying such companies includes a distinctive combination of fundamental analysis and quantitative inputs.

Unit price

Unit price

Alphinity Sustainable Share Fund Unit Price History


Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.


The performance of your investment is measured after taxes and fees within this tax paid fund.

1 mth 3 mth 6 mth 1 yr 2 yrs 3 yrs
Net return* (%) 2.98% 4.19% 6.11% 12.18% 7.91% 6.64%

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
(*As at 31/01/2025)

Key features

Key features
Risk level 6 – medium to high
Minimum initial investment $500
Regular investment plan Minimum monthly deposit of $100
Minimum switching amount $500
Minimum balance $500
Total estimated fees and costs 0.97% p.a.
Recommended minimum investment period Five years

Target asset allocation

Asset class Min % Max %
Australian equities 90 100
Cash 0 10


Unit price

Unit price

Alphinity Sustainable Share Fund Unit Price History


Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. 


The performance of your investment is measured after taxes and fees within this tax paid fund.

1 mth 3 mth 6 mth 1 yr 2 yrs 3 yrs
Net return* (%) 2.98% 4.19% 6.11% 12.18% 7.91% 6.64%

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
(*As at 31/01/2025)

Key features

Key features
Risk level 6 – medium to high
Minimum initial investment $500
Regular investment plan Minimum monthly deposit of $100
Minimum switching amount $500
Minimum balance $500
Total estimated fees and costs 0.97% p.a.
Recommended minimum investment period Five years

Target asset allocation

Asset class Min % Max %
Australian equities 90 100
Cash 0 10


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