Centuria DWA CARE Balanced Fund
Investment objective
The strategy aims to provide investors a total return comprising capital growth and income equal to or greater than CPI + 4.5%.
Investment strategy
The CARE Balanced Strategy offers investors access, primarily via market index Exchanged Traded Funds (ETF) and managed funds, to the underlying CAREphilosophy® where funds are invested across a core, active and enhanced component. The strategy is suitable for investors who seek a mix of capital growth oriented assets such as Australian shares, international shares, property and alternatives, and some income from defensive assets such as cash and fixed interest securities.
Investment manager
DWA is a thematic investment manager, with its core philosophy being to provide an investment service that attempts to preserve and grow capital by investing in asset classes that match their thematic view. DWA will select investments or specialist managers to manage investments that align with its macro view and outlook for the domestic and global economy and global investment markets.
The CAREphilosophy® is founded on the principle of broad market diversification across all asset classes. DWA believes in diversification and that holding assets for the long term will deliver better returns than trading portfolios and timing the market in the short term.
The unit price chart will be added once there is sufficient historical data available.