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Firetrail Australian High Conviction Fund

Investment objective

The fund aims to outperform the ASX200 accumulation index over the medium to long term.

Investment strategy

The Fund provides exposure to a concentrated portfolio of approximately 25 Australian securities at any time. Only those securities that Firetrail’s investment team has the highest conviction to generate the greatest returns will be included in the portfolio. The process employs an unconstrained approach to fundamental research to identify companies Firetrail believes offer the most attractive forecast returns based on our medium-term view.

Investment manager

Firetrail Investments Pty Limited is a boutique investment management firm based in Sydney, Australia that specialises in high conviction investing. The firm was established in 2018 with the goal to align their people with their clients. Importantly, the firm is majority owned by the investment staff and the team is invested alongside clients in the investment strategies.

Unit price

Unit price

Firetrail Australian High Conviction Fund Unit Price History


Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. 


The performance of your investment is measured after taxes and fees within this tax paid fund.

1 mth 3 mth 6 mth 1 yr 2 yr 3 yr
Net return* (%) 3.56% 4.38% 5.85% 11.02% 6.29% 5.16%

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
(*As at 31/01/2025)

Key features

Key features
APIR code OVS5658AU
Risk level 6 – high
Minimum initial investment $500
Regular investment plan Minimum monthly deposit of $100
Minimum switching amount
Minimum balance $500
Total estimated fees and costs 0.93% p.a.
Recommended minimum investment period Five years

Target asset allocation

Min % Max %
Australian equities 90 100
Cash 0 10


Unit price

Unit price

Firetrail Australian High Conviction Fund Unit Price History


Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.


The performance of your investment is measured after taxes and fees within this tax paid fund.

1 mth 3 mth 6 mth 1 yr 2 yr 3 yr
Net return* (%) 3.56% 4.38% 5.85% 11.02% 6.29% 5.16%

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
(*As at 31/01/2025)

Key features

Key features
APIR code OVS5658AU
Risk level 6 – high
Minimum initial investment $500
Regular investment plan Minimum monthly deposit of $100
Minimum switching amount
Minimum balance $500
Total estimated fees and costs 0.93% p.a.
Recommended minimum investment period Five years

Target asset allocation

Min % Max %
Australian equities 90 100
Cash 0 10


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