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Pendal Sustainable Balanced Fund

Investment objective

The Fund aims to provide a return (before fees, and expenses) that exceeds the Fund’s benchmark over the medium to long term.

Investment strategy

This Fund is designed for investors who want the potential for long term capital growth and income, diversification across a broad range of asset classes and exposure to companies and issuers (within the Fund’s Australian and international shares and Australian and international fixed interest allocation) that demonstrate leading environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) and ethical practices while avoiding exposure to companies and issuers with material involvement in activities we consider to negatively impact the environment or society and are prepared to accept some variability of returns.

Investment manager

Pendal Institutional Limited (Pendal) is an independent, global investment management firm focused on delivering superior investment returns for its clients through active management.

Pendal offers investors a range of Australian and international investment choices including shares, property securities, fixed income and cash strategies, as well as multi-asset and responsible investments. To complement its in-house expertise, Pendal also partners with leading global investment managers.

Unit price

Unit price

Pendal Sustainable Balanced Fund Unit Price History


Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. 


The performance of your investment is measured after taxes and fees within this tax paid fund.

1 mth 3 mth 6 mth 1 yr 2 yrs 3 yrs
Net return* (%) 1.24% 2.14% 2.81% 6.99% 5.41% 3.04%

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
(*As at 31/01/2025)

Key features

Key Features
Risk level 4 – medium
Minimum initial investment $500
Regular investment plan Minimum monthly deposit of $100
Minimum switching amount $500
Minimum balance $500
Total estimated fees and costs 0.90% p.a.
Recommended minimum investment period Five years

Target asset allocation

Asset class Min % Max %
Australian equities 20 40
International shares 20 40
Australian property securities 0 10
International property securities 0 10
Australian fixed interest 0 25
International fixed interest 0 25
Cash 0 20
Alternatives 0 20

Unit price

Unit price

Pendal Sustainable Balanced Fund Unit Price History


Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. 


The performance of your investment is measured after taxes and fees within this tax paid fund.

1 mth 3 mth 6 mth 1 yr 2 yrs 3 yrs
Net return* (%) 1.24% 2.14% 2.81% 6.99% 5.41% 3.04%

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
(*As at 31/01/2025)

Key features

Key Features
Risk level 4 – medium
Minimum initial investment $500
Regular investment plan Minimum monthly deposit of $100
Minimum switching amount $500
Minimum balance $500
Total estimated fees and costs 0.90% p.a.
Recommended minimum investment period Five years

Target asset allocation

Asset class Min % Max %
Australian equities 20 40
International shares 20 40
Australian property securities 0 10
International property securities 0 10
Australian fixed interest 0 25
International fixed interest 0 25
Cash 0 20
Alternatives 0 20

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You can apply online for a simple and easy application process, or contact us for any investment, product or administrative enquiries.