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Pimco Global Bond Fund

Investment objective

To achieve maximum total return by investing in global fixed interest securities, and to seek to preserve capital through prudent investment management.

Investment strategy

In pursuing the Fund’s investment objective, PIMCO applies a wide range of diverse strategies including Duration analysis, Credit analysis, Relative Value analysis, Sector Allocation and Rotation and individual security selection. PIMCO’s investment strategy emphasises active decision making with a long-term focus and seeks to avoid extreme swings in Duration or maturity with a view to creating a steady stream of returns.

The Fund invests in government, corporate, mortgage and other fixed interest securities. While the Fund invests predominantly in Investment Grade securities, it may also invest in non-Investment Grade fixed interest securities and Emerging Market Debt. The Fund may also hold cash and Derivatives.

Investment manager

The PIMCO Group manages funds (including non-third party assets) for investors around the world and employs over 785 investment professionals across all its offices. PIMCO Group’s history dates back to 1971 when it was established as a specialist fixed interest manager. The PIMCO Group has its head office in Newport Beach, California, USA with offices located in Hong Kong, New York, Austin, Toronto, Munich, Sydney, Singapore, Tokyo, London, Milan, São Paulo, Taipei, Zurich, Bermuda, Chicago and Solana Beach.

Unit price

Unit price

Pimco Global Bonds Fund Unit Price History


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Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. 


The performance of your investment is measured after taxes and fees within this tax paid fund.

1 mth 3 mth 6 mth 1 yr 2 yrs 3 yrs
Net return* (%) -0.26% 1.04% 0.73% 2.02% 1.90% -1.09%

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. (*As at 31/01/2025)

Key features

Key features
APIR code OVS1514AU
Risk level
3 – Low to Medium
Minimum initial investment $500
Regular investment plan Minimum monthly deposit of $100
Minimum switching amount
Minimum balance $500
Total estimated fees and costs 0.68% p.a.
Recommended minimum investment period Seven years

Target asset allocation

Asset class Min % Max %
Cash and fixed interest 0 100

Unit price

Unit price

Pimco Global Bonds Fund Unit Price History


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Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. 


The performance of your investment is measured after taxes and fees within this tax paid fund.

1 mth 3 mth 6 mth 1 yr 2 yrs 3 yrs
Net return* (%) -0.26% 1.04% 0.73% 2.02% 1.90% -1.09%

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. (*As at 31/01/2025)

Key features

Key features
APIR code OVS1514AU
Risk level
3 – Low to Medium
Minimum initial investment $500
Regular investment plan Minimum monthly deposit of $100
Minimum switching amount
Minimum balance $500
Total estimated fees and costs 0.68% p.a.
Recommended minimum investment period Seven years

Target asset allocation

Asset class Min % Max %
Cash and fixed interest 0 100

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