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Centuria Capital Guaranteed Fund

Investment objective

To provide investors with a high level of capital security and competitive returns over the long-term through diversified investments in fixed interest securities and cash.

Investment strategy

To invest in a mix of high quality government securities, bank-backed securities, investment grade corporate securities and cash to achieve a high level of capital security over the long term.

Key features

Key features
FactsheetDownload Factsheet
Minimum initial investment$500
Minimum additional investment$500 for a one-off additional payment
Additional investment planMinimum monthly deposit of $100
Minimum switching amount$500
Minimum balance$500
Contribution feeNil
Annual management feeNet 1.5% p.a.
Suggested timeframeNo Minimum
Effective tax rate25%

Bonus crediting rating

The performance of your bond is measured on the after taxes and fees bonus crediting rate paid each calendar year. All figures expressed are an annual return for that year.

Bonus crediting rating1.00%0.75%0.50%0.50%0.25%

For periods less than 1 year the return is expressed as a percentage for that corresponding period, otherwise it is % per annum. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Target Asset Allocation

Min %Max %
Fixed Interest095

Invest today

You are one step closer to securing your future. Download the Centuria Investment Bonds PDS to start investing today.

You can apply online for a simple and easy application process, or contact us for any investment, product or administrative enquiries.