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Multi manager funds

There are three multi-manager Investment Options available that are managed by Centuria Life. The underlying investment managers and investments in each of the Investment Options have been selected based on the screening and asset allocation by the Centuria Life Investment Committee. The Investment Options are tailored to suit a range of investment styles and different investment risk levels.

In additional to the investment screening process, within the fund the Centuria Life Investment Committee will manage the investment allocation between asset classes and also how much to allocate to individual investment on behalf of the investor. These four funds differ to the externally managed investment options whereby the investor chooses which investment option(s) to invest in.

Centuria Multi-Manager Investment Options
Investment OptionsInvestment ObjectiveInvestment StrategyAsset Allocation
Centuria Balanced FundTo provide investors with growth from capital appreciation and income over the long-term.The Centuria Balanced Fund invests in a diversified portfolio of assets, including both growth securities (i.e. Australian and international shares and property) and income securities (e.g. fixed interest and cash). Exposure to property may include both direct real property investments and investments in listed and unlisted property securities.Australian Shares 20-55%
International Shares 10-40%
Property 0-20%
International Fixed Interest 0-25%
Australian Fixed Interest 0-35%
Alternative Assets 0-15%
Cash 0-15%
Centuria Growth FundTo provide investors with growth from capital appreciation and income over the long-term. The fund will typically have higher exposure to growth assets than the Centuria Balanced Fund.The Centuria Growth Bond Fund invests in a diversified portfolio of assets with a majority of growth assets such as Australian and international shares, property and alternative assets.Australian Shares 0%-60%
International Shares 0%-50%
Property 0%-33%
Australian Fixed Interest 0%-95%
International Fixed Interest 0%-85%
Alternative Assets 0%-15%
Cash 1%-15%
Centuria Australian Shares FundTo provide investors with capital growth over the long-term through exposure to a diversified portfolio of Australian shares.The Fund primarily invests in a diversified portfolio of Australian shares either directly or through unit trusts.Australian Shares 85-100%
Cash 0-15%

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