Boutique Manager Series Funds

There are two Boutique Manager Series Funds Options available that are managed by DWA Managed Accounts Pty Ltd. The underlying investment managers and investments in each of the Investment Options have been selected based on the screening and asset allocation by the Centuria Life Investment Committee. The Investment Options are tailored to suit a range of investment styles and different investment risk levels.

In additional to the investment screening process, within the fund the Centuria Life Investment Committee will manage the investment allocation between asset classes and also how much to allocate to individual investment on behalf of the investor. These four funds differ to the externally managed investment options whereby the investor chooses which investment option(s) to invest in.

Boutique Manager Series Funds
Investment OptionsInvestment ObjectiveInvestment StrategyAsset Allocation
Centuria DWA CARE Core High Growth FundThe portfolio aims to achieve a total return comprising capital growth and dividend income over the medium to long term equal to or greater than the Morningstar Aus Aggressive Target Allocation NR AUD Index before fees.The portfolio investment strategy is aimed at aggressive investors who want high capital growth and believe some fluctuations in capital are acceptable. The primary investment goal is capital growth and investors in this portfolio accept the highest level of risk in exchange for a potentially higher long-term return.Australian Shares 0-65%
International Shares 0-55%
Property 0-10%
Australian Fixed Interest 0-18%
Cash 0-20%
Centuria DWA CARE ESG High Growth FundThe portfolio aims to achieve a total return comprising capital growth and dividend income over the medium to long term equal to or greater than the Morningstar Aus Aggressive Target Allocation NR AUD Index, before fees.The portfolio provides ESG conscious investors an exposure to a range of index and sector investments, offering broad diversification across multiple growth asset classes.

The portfolio is designed for investors with a high tolerance for risk who are seeking long-term capital growth.

Australian shares: 0-65%
International shares: 0-65%
Property and infrastructure: 0-10%
Alternatives: 0-10%
Cash: 0-18%

Other asset classes

Cash and Fixed Interest Funds.
Diversified balanced funds
Diversified growth funds
Austrailian share funds
International share funds
Property and infrastructure funds
Multi manager funds
ESG funds

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