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Diversified growth funds

Diversified growth funds invest in a range of asset classes, which are typically more aggressive than balanced funds.

A growth fund is a diversified portfolio of stocks that has capital appreciation as its primary goal, with little or no dividend payouts. The portfolio mainly consists of companies with above-average growth that reinvest their earnings into expansion, acquisitions, and/or research and development (R&D).

Diversified growth funds aim to provide long term capital growth and some distributions by investing in a range of assets with an emphasis on growth assets. Typically growth funds targets a 30% allocation to income assets and 70% to growth asset classes.

Investment OptionsRisk LevelInvestment ObjectiveInvestment Strategy
Diversified Growth Funds
Vanguard Diversified High Growth Index Fund6 – HighThe fund seeks to track the weighted average return of the various indices of the underlying funds in which it invests, in proportion to the Strategic Asset Allocation, before taking into account fees, expenses and tax.The Fund provides low-cost access to a range of sector funds, offering broad diversification across multiple asset classes. The High Growth Index Fund invests mainly in growth assets, and is designed for investors with a high tolerance for risk who are seeking long-term capital growth. The Fund targets a 10% allocation to income asset classes and a 90% allocation to growth asset classes.
Vanguard Diversified Growth Index Fund6 – HighThe Vanguard Growth Index Fund seeks to track the weighted average return of the various indices of the underlying funds in which it invests, in proportion to the Strategic Asset Allocation, before taking into account fees, expenses and tax.The fund provides low-cost access to a range of sector funds, offering broad diversification across multiple asset classes. The fund is biased towards growth assets, and is designed for investors seeking long-term capital growth. The fund targets a 30% allocation to income asset classes and a 70% allocation to growth asset classes.
Russell Investments Growth Fund5 – Medium to HighTo provide capital growth over the long term with a portfolio focusing on growth assets, while accepting fluctuations in capital values in the short term.The fund typically invests in a diversified portfolio mix with exposure to growth investments of around 90% and defensive investments of around 10%. Derivatives may be used to implement investment strategies.
MLC Wholesale Horizon 5 Growth Portfolio6 – HighAims to outperform the benchmark, before fees, over 5 year periods.MLC actively looks for opportunities to provide better returns, or less risk, than those generated by the benchmark asset allocation and to manage the Trust’s exposure to the risks of investing in markets. Our investment experts do this by:

  • Researching and selecting a broad range of mainstream asset classes, and including some exposure to alternative assets and strategies.
  • Adjusting the allocations to the asset classes within the defined ranges shown below.
  • Selecting investment managers from some of the best in Australia and overseas.
Schroder Real
Return Fund
5 – Medium to HighTo achieve a return of CPI plus 4% to 5% p.a. before fees over rolling 3-year periods while minimising the incidence and size of negative returns in doing so.The fund does not have fixed strategic asset allocation benchmarks but instead adopts a forward looking and flexible approach to achieve their stated objectives. The fund stands in contrast to the traditional multi-asset investment approaches which construct investment portfolios around relatively static asset allocations.

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