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ESG investment options

Centuria Life supports sustainable, socially responsible enterprises that also offer attractive prospective returns and has classified certain investment options as ESG investment options.

In order for a fund to be included as an ESG Investment Option, our screening process seeks investment options that have strong environmental, social and governance practices that contribute to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and are signatories to the Principles of Responsible Investing (PRI).


Investment OptionsRisk LevelInvestment ObjectiveInvestment Strategy
ESG Investment Options
Alphinity Sustainable Share Fund6 – HighThe fund aims to outperform the S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index after costs and over rolling five-year periods.The fund provides a diversified portfolio of Australian stocks listed on the ASX that have strong Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) characteristics and, where possible, contribute towards the advancement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) agenda. The fund aims to be invested across different industries and sectors in order to meet the fund’s investment objectives in a risk-controlled manner. The fund will utilise Alphinity’s unique process of seeking sustainable, undervalued companies in or about to enter an earnings upgrade cycle.
BlackRock Diversified ESG Growth Fund4 – MediumTo achieve superior investment performance through providing returns that exceed those of the composite benchmark after fees, over rolling 3-year periods.The strategy gains exposure to the targeted asset classes, through investing in other pooled investment vehicles which are managed by BlackRock. These underlying funds have a range of active and index investment strategies. Each active strategy aims to add value over the strategic allocation, whilst controlling risk. In addition to long only active funds, the fund may invest in underlying funds with absolute return strategies to achieve the fund’s overall performance objective. The selection of an underlying fund for inclusion in the strategy is the result of a comprehensive due diligence process. In selecting underlying funds, BlackRock takes into account ESG considerations as set out in the section of PDS titled ‘ESG approach within the underlying fund selection process’.
Pendal Sustainable Balanced Fund4 – MediumThe fund aims to provide a return (before fees and expenses) that exceeds the fund’s benchmark over the medium to long term.This fund is designed for investors who want the potential for long term capital growth and income, diversification across a broad range of asset classes and exposure to companies and issuers (within the fund’s Australian and international shares and Australian and international fixed interest allocation) that demonstrate leading environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) and ethical practices while avoiding exposure to companies and issuers with material involvement in activities we consider to negatively impact the environment or society and are prepared to accept some variability of returns.

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