News and media

Please find below news and media articles related to Centuria Capital.


Centuria raises $80K for kids in need

Centuria’s annual Trivia Night has exceeded expectations this year, raising more than $80,000 for St Lucy’s School for students with disabilities last night.


Centuria Capital Group (ASX:CNI) FY2018 wrap on FNN

Centuria Capital Group Limited (ASX:CNI) CEO, John McBain talks about a busy year during which Centuria Capital grew its property portfolio, added wholesale partners and increased recurring revenues.


$36 million Epping sale driven by hunger for suburban offices

Investor appetite for suburban metro properties demonstrated by high yield Centuria Metropolitan REIT (CMA) today announced the sale of 3 Carlingford Road, Epping, for $36 million to a private buyer. The sale price represented a 118% increase on the purchase price of $16.5 million in December 2014. The fully-leased office building sold with a tight passing yield of 5.4%,


Centuria expands into property debt funds

Debt funds growing in popularity as an alternative investment With demand for quality investment products at unprecedented levels, Centuria has moved into the emerging market of real estate debt investment to meet a growing investor appetite for higher returning investments. Traditionally the domain of Australia’s major banking institutions, real estate debt investment involves the provision of senior lending,


Michael Blake appointed to run Centuria Life

Centuria Capital Group today announced the appointment of Michael Blake to Head of Centuria Life, the company’s investment bond business, with more than $850 million in funds under management.


Property markets evolve, fundamentals stay the same

Due diligence is essential before making any investment decision – and property is no exception. Direct property markets may not be as volatile as equities and other listed investments, but they are affected by a large number of factors (both macroeconomic and property-specific), so understanding and interpreting these factors is essential to making the best possible decisions.


CNI 1H17 Interim Results

Centuria Capital to IH17 Interim Results To view the CNI Interim Results Presentation click here. For further information please call Centuria on 8923 8923.


Active strategies key to property success

As some things change, the important things stay the same. For Centuria’s Property Funds Management division, active management has always been a central tenet of its corporate strategy, and it remains the key to our ongoing success. Our ability to identify profitable buying (and selling) opportunities, as well as our hands-on management of individual property assets,


Centuria Capital Group (CNI) CEO John McBain talks 1H18 results and outlook

Centuria Capital Group (CNI) CEO, John McBain, interview with Finance News Network on 1H18 results and outlook. View the full 1H18 Centuria Capital Group results presentation.


Centuria Group (CNI) delivers record 1H18 AUM growth

Market leading momentum in property acquisitions Centuria Capital Group (ASX: CNI) today announced strong half-year results for the period to 31st December 2017. Following a transformational FY17 in which the nature and scale of earnings shifted significantly, Group momentum grew into the first half of the 2018 financial year. Financial results 1H18 1H18 1H17 Operating net profit after tax $m 30.2 2.9 Operating earnings per stapled security cps 12.1 3.8 Statutory net profit after tax $m 36.3 (1.4) Statutory earnings per stapled security cps 13.4 (1.6) Distribution per stapled security cps 4.1 2.3 Highlights for 1H18,


CNI 1H18 Interim Results Presentation

View the Centuria Capital 1H18 Annual Results presentation with John McBain and Simon Holt. Download the CNI 1H18 Interim Results Presentation or the ASX Announcement. For further information please contact Centuria Capital at 8923 8923. View the Finance News Network interview with John McBain on the Centuria Capital Group results and outlook.


Centuria increases strategic investment in Centuria Metropolitan REIT to 19.9%

Centuria Capital Group (Centuria) (ASX: CNI) is pleased to announce the acquisition of a further 1.8% stake in Centuria Metropolitan REIT (CMA), increasing Centuria’s total interest in CMA to 19.9%. The additional investment follows the successful $60 million Centuria entitlement offer announced on 4 October 2017 and represents a deployment of capital in line with one of Centuria’s purposes in undertaking the capital raising.

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