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CDPF infographic

This communication is issued by Centuria Property Funds Limited (ABN 11 086 553 AFSL 231 149) (Centuria) as the Responsible Entity of the Centuria Diversified Property Fund, a stapled fund comprising the Centuria Diversified Property Fund (ARSN 611 510 699) and the Centuria Diversified Property Fund No.2 (ARSN 645 597 404) (collectively, Fund).

The information in this document is general information only and does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any person. You should consider whether this information is appropriate for you and consult your financial or other professional advisor before investing. You should obtain and read a copy of the PDS relating to the Fund before making a decision to invest. The Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) for the Fund is available from Centuria’s website ( Centuria and its associates will receive fees in relation to an investment in the Fund as disclosed in the PDS. Investment in the Fund is subject to risk including possible delays in payment or loss of income and principal invested. Centuria does not guarantee the performance of the Fund. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. The target market determination for the Fund is available at