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Centuria Healthcare’s new oncology facility receives WA’s first MR-Linac

Centuria Healthcare has celebrated a milestone in the development of its new oncology facility in Murdoch, Perth, with the delivery of Western Australia’s first MR-Linac. The groundbreaking equipment was recently installed in the development and, when operational, will provide a game changing experience for local radiation onocology patients through its cutting-edge technology.

The oncology facility is located within the St John of God Hospital campus in Murdoch and will be operated by GenesisCare.

Centuria Healthcare is currently developing the 1,845sqm, brand new private radiation oncology facility, which will be opened in early 2022. It will have capacity to treat up to 1,000 cancer patients a year and will be fully integrated into the Murdoch Hospital. In addition to radiation oncology, the facility will also offer ground-breaking theranostics and nuclear medicine services and will house the latest molecular imaging equipment, such as PET-CT and SPECT-CT, critical for directing and monitoring new targeted molecular therapies.

Watch the video below for further information.