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Centuria ‘LifeGoals’ awarded ‘Very Strong’ by Australia Ratings

Centuria Life’s latest investment bond offering is recognised for a well-managed, robust investment structure with multiple solutions in one

Centuria LifeGoals, Centuria Life’s new investment bonds product, has been awarded a rating of ‘Very Strong’ by Australia Ratings. Centuria Life is part of specialist investment manager Centuria Capital Group (Centuria, ASX: CNI).

The ‘Very Strong’ ranking reflects the ratings agency’s “very strong level of confidence that the product can deliver a well-managed, robust investment structure to investors”.

LifeGoals, which launched in February this year, offers 22 high-quality complementary fund options – including sector, diversified and index funds – managed by rigorously selected investment managers. The offering has a transparent fee structure, in which all rebates are passed on to the investor, and offers a simple, flexible and tax effective investment vehicle.

Michael Blake, Head of Centuria Life, said: “The Australia Ratings report recognises ‘a modern take on the traditional investment bond structure that has achieved its objective of being a product that can provide investment, tax planning and estate planning in one solution’.

We feel this rating is a fair and accurate reflection of our offering. The report notes that ‘The benefit to investors is that the Investment Options are selected from a wide universe of available investment funds based on a rigorous due diligence process’ and this has always been our aim – to offer investment options that are consistently amongst the best available in each asset class to make it simpler for investors to choose.”

A solution for the times

Mr Blake believes that appetites around investments are changing – for the better – and that it is the responsibility of financial service providers to respond – or lose out. Due to their tax effective nature and ease of access to funds, investment bonds should be combined with superannuation as a part of most individuals long-term wealth creation plans. “Investors and financial planners demand greater fee transparency, access to high-quality managers and simplicity in their financial products. Today, products will succeed or fail based on merit, and investors expect total control and ease of use. We are delighted that Australia Ratings recognises that LifeGoals was designed for investors with this front of mind.”

Chris Dalton, Managing Director of Australia Ratings, said: “The Centuria LifeGoals product is a well thought out product that will appeal to many investors and financial planners as a viable complement to superannuation as a long-term savings product with the added flexibility of accessibility to funds.”

About the rating

Australia Ratings Analytics Pty Limited holds a retail Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL). This enables both retail and wholesale investors to use its investment ratings and product complexity indicator to help identify funds or investment opportunities that are among “best in class”.

To award this rating, Australia Ratings considered Centuria’s investment strategy and structure, its selection process and due diligence for investment options, fees, business management, investor services and compliance and risk management, amongst other factors.

LifeGoals was also designated as a ‘complex’ financial product, indicating that the structure requires more understanding from the investor than a simple investment fund, because it is a tax-paid structure offering a menu of investment options.

About Australia Ratings

Australia Ratings is a local, independent rating agency that provides timely and credible ratings information and research to the broader investment community.

As an ASIC-licensed rating agency, we provide general advice by issuing credit ratings on debt securities and companies; and ratings on managed funds and other investment products.

About Australia Ratings’ Investment Rating

Our investment rating of investment bonds and superannuation funds reflects Australia Ratings’ current opinion of the level of confidence that an investment bond or superannuation fund can provide a well-managed, robust investment structure to investors.

You can download the full rating report.