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Centuria opens 5-star Green Star industrial property

Centuria has opened one of Australia’s first five-star Green Star – Design & As Built Certified industrial buildings under the Green Building Council Australia’s (GBCA) new rating guidelines v1.3.

The version 1.3 Design Review Certified Rating is one of the most onerous and comprehensive guidelines provided by GBCA, which means few have achieved this status.

Green credentials include:

  • 99kw solar panel system
  • Water recycling/rain harvesting system for landscape irrigation and toilets/urinals
  • Drought-resistant vegetation throughout landscape
  • Double-glazed windows
  • Motion and daylight lighting controls
  • Low wattage LED lamps
  • Access to a web-based environmental management portal to monitor energy and water metering
  • Sub-metering monitoring installation
  • Recycled materials including steel fibres within the concrete mixture, which reduces the requirement for new steel structures, recycles existing steel material, and therefore minimises material usage and wastage.

The $18.1 million prime grade industrial facility is owned by Centuria Industrial REIT (ASX:CIP). It’s located at 42 Hoepner Road, Bundamba Queensland, within a 2.4-hectare site in the Citiswich Business Park industrial estate.

The completed, 10,244sqm industrial facility also features an 11 metre clearance, four recessed loading docks, 13 on-grade roller shutter doors, a 9,100sqm concrete hardstand with B-double access and 600sqm of office space.

Centuria Head of Development, Andre Bali, said, “Centuria will continue to develop quality assets and add value to its existing industrial assets for its investors. The Bundamba area is attracting significant, global companies and in order to attract like-companies, we want to deliver an asset that is sustainable now and well into the future.”