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Change of name - Centuria Metropolitan REIT (ASX:CMA) to Centuria Office REIT (ASX:COF)

Centuria Property Funds Limited (CPFL) in its capacity as responsible entity of the Centuria Metropolitan REIT (ASX:CMA) advises that CMA’s name has been changed to Centuria Office REIT.

Reason For Name Change

When CMA first listed in 2014, it owned a combination of both office and industrial assets. As CMA evolved, its focus has refined to solely office assets, and the new name, Centuria Office REIT, better reflects the current position as Australia’s largest ASX listed pure-play office REIT.

Metropolitan office assets will continue to be a key component of the portfolio, as the investment opportunities provided by metropolitan office markets contribute to Centuria Office REIT continuing to deliver sustainable, quality income streams.

Centuria Office REIT will trade on a new Australian Securities Exchange code “ASX:COF” from Monday 10 February 2020.