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Enhanced online experience for investors

Centuria Life is committed to investing in technology to benefit our investors and has recently upgraded our online user capability.

New online application and verification system
After a 12 month planning and implementation process, Centuria Life has launched our enhanced online application process making it easier to invest in Centuria LifeGoals.

In addition to this, for Anti Money Laundering and Identification purposes, identification can be verified instantly online, through our Green ID initiative.

Paperless online switching
Investors can log in to to independently complete an online switch.
Alternatively, investors can authorise their adviser to be able to make switch requests on their behalf.

Centuria Investor portal upgrade

The Centuria Investor portal has been updated based on feedback received from investors. Centuria Investor key features include:
• Online switching
• Quick and easy access to your investment portfolio, transaction and payment history
• Real time reports at your fingertips
• Ability to download annual statements

To arrange access, simply and log into or register now on this page.

If you require assistance, please contact our Investor Services team on 1300 50 50 50 or at