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Funds Update

Centuria’s listed REITs and unlisted funds have performed well throughout the second half of FY20.

This video was issued on 11 August 2020 by Centuria Property Funds Limited (ABN 11 086 553 639, AFSL 231149) and Centuria Property Funds No. 2 Limited (ABN 38 133 363 185, AFSL 340304) (Collectively ‘Centuria Property Funds’). Centuria Property Funds are the responsible entity of a number of listed and unlisted property funds, each of which are issued under a product disclosure statement (PDS) that is available on Centuria’s website for all funds open for investment. An investment in any property funds carries risks associated with an investment in direct property including the loss of income and capital invested. The risks relating to an investment are detailed in each fund’s PDS and Centuria Property Funds strongly recommends that the PDS be downloaded and read before any investment decision is made. Centuria receives fees from investments in its property funds. The information is of a general nature only and has not been prepared taking into account your particular investment objectives, financial situation and needs. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. CA-Corp-17/08/209-01161.