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Investment Bonds Insights February 2018

Welcome to your February 2018 edition of Centuria’s Investment Bonds Insights which this month features information on how to fund a gap year for your client’s children or grandchildren as well as our regular monthly performance data.

Strategies to fund a gap year

The gap year is fast becoming a rite of passage for many young Australians, as they seek a break between the rigours of their final year of school and commencing further studies at tertiary level. Some students take a break to work and earn money to help them through uni, while others seek experiences – some for fun, others related to their tertiary studies and career goals. In this article, Centuria looks at the opportunities a gap year can give to young adults and offers some strategies to help you provide for an exciting and relevant gap year experience for your children or grandchildren. Read more >>


Monthly performance figures

See our latest net returns below:

Bond Net Performance*
Current year to date % 1 year to 30 June 2017 % p.a.
Centuria Australian Shares Fund 8.24% 10.78%
Centuria Balanced Fund 7.79% 6.93%
Centuria Cash Plus Fund 2.98% 8.31%
Centuria Growth Bond Fund 8.61% 7.86%
Centuria Implemented Portfolios Dynamic Asset Allocation Bond 5.24%  4.44%
Centuria Providence Investment Fund 2.50%%

* Performance of this tax paid bond is measured as a 12 month rolling return from 31 January 2017 to 31 January 2018, after taxes and fees. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.


Kind regards,
Neil Rogan
General Manager
Investment Bond Division


Further information

For more information on how Centuria Investment Bonds can form a core component of your client solutions please call 1300 50 50 50 or email

Alternatively please call your Business Development Manager.

NSW/QLD – Allison Macfarlane (02) 8923 8920