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Investment Bonds Insights May 2017

Investment Bond Insights May 2017 Edition

Super changes effective 1 July 2017.

With 1 July 2017 fast approaching you may have a number of clients who are impacted by the changes to concessional and non-concessional superannuation contributions. Investment Bonds are a simple, flexible investment structure worth considering for clients who may be locked out of making superannuation contributions post 1 July 2017.

In preparing for the end of the financial year, the following checklist may be beneficial in reviewing clients for pre and post 1 July.

End of financial year checklist

 What are the client investment objectives and timeframes?

 What is their risk profile?

 What are the risks in the strategy presented to the client and how does the client feel about each risk?

 Is the strategy flexible enough to deal with unforeseen circumstances?

 Does the recommended strategy offer simplicity and ease of management?

 What are the cash flow and taxation implications of the strategy?

 What are the impact on Centrelink and Veterans’ affairs payments

 What are the options within the strategy for estate planning?

For strategies to assist you and some of your clients who may be impacted by the changes to superannuation on 1 July click on this link.

If you are looking at recommending an Investment Bond to a client you can lodge the business using our online application form here.

See our latest net returns below:


Bond Net Performance*
1 year  3 years 5 years
Centuria Growth Bond Fund 7.47% 7.01% 7.86%
Centuria Balanced Fund 8.48% 5.63% 7.26%
Centuria High Growth Fund 7.97% 6.06% 8.90%
Centuria Australian Shares Fund 10.87% 7.49% 9.70%
Centuria Implemented Portfolios Dynamic Asset Allocation Bond 7.17%
Centuria Cash Plus Fund 9.78%

* Past performance is not a indicative of future performance.

I’m also holding a webinar and Q&A session with Advisers on the super changes.

These changes to superannuation are coming into effect in less than two months’ time, and I’m hoping you can join me for a discussion on how they might affect your clients, and what you can do before and after 1 July.

This is your time to have your questions answered, and find out what other financial advisers are talking about regarding the super changes.


Date: Wednesday 7th June 2017

Time: 12.00pm (AEST)

Click here to register

by Monday 5th June 2017.


For more information on how Centuria Investment Bonds can form a core component of your client solutions please call 1300 50 50 50 or email Alternatively please call your Business Development Manager.

VIC/TAS/SA – Jason Lien (03) 9616 6547

NSW/QLD – Allison Macfarlane (02) 8923 8920

We would be delighted to assist you and your clients prepare for the post 1 July 2017 environment.