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Nishi achieves 6.0 star NABERS Energy rating

The A-grade Canberra office building, known as Nishi, has achieved a 6.0 star National Australian Built Environment Rating System (NABERS) Energy rating, the highest score available.

Located at 2 Phillip Law Street, New Acton, the 27,300sqm building recently underwent significant works to improve its sustainability infrastructure, including:

  • Installation and activation of a +400 kw PV solar system, providing onsite renewal energy to the base building services with surplus energy exported back to the grid.
  • Building Management System (BMS) upgrade, providing better efficiencies through targeted maintenance programs and recalibration of its Air Handling Unit’s (AHUs).
  • Reuse of pre-chilled and pre-heated recirculated water from the mechanical system, resulting in reduced energy consumption for heating and cooling the building.

The building was constructed in 2012 and has a 6.0 star Green Star Office As Built v3 rating, representing ‘world leadership’ at the time of the award from the Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA)

Nishi’s commercial tenancies are wrapped in more than 40 kilometres of sustainable Australian blackbutt timber louvers representing a step change in the use of low embodied energy materials, which manage unwanted solar gain and heat.

In addition to the recent sustainability improvements, the property’s commercial tenancies recently benefitted from upgraded, modern end-of-trip facilities including showers, lockers and bike storage as well as refurbished lobbies, lifts, bathrooms and exterior.

Nishi is an iconic office building situated in Canberra’s most creative and innovative cultural mixed use precinct. It provides 10 levels of office accommodation across c.1,900sqm floorplates, complemented by an 85-room hotel operated and managed by Ovolo, eight-screen subterranean Palace Cinema, new Expresso Room café and vegetarian restaurant, Monster.

Since its opening, Nishi has won numerous accolades including ‘Best International Project of the Year’ as awarded by the Building Awards in London, UK.