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The gap year is fast becoming a rite of passage for many young Australians, as they seek a break between the rigours of their final year of school and commencing further studies at tertiary level. Some students take a break to work and earn money to help them through uni, while others seek experiences – some for fun, others related to their tertiary studies and career goals. In this article, Centuria looks at the opportunities a gap year can give to young adults and offers some strategies to help you provide for an exciting and relevant gap year experience for your children or grandchildren.
More than 220,000 students completed year 12 Australia-wide in 2017. From secondary school there are many pathways, including apprenticeship, employment or tertiary education. In 2009, university places were changed from fixed to demand-driven and, as a result, by 2015 the number of (local) students going to university had grown nearly 30 percent. While numbers vary from year to year, it seems more than three quarters of the class of 2017 is expected to apply for further education.
While common in the United States, United Kingdom and Europe, for many years the notion of taking a gap year had negative connotations in Australia. A ‘gap year’ is time taken out of formal education; mostly it occurs between finishing school and taking up tertiary study, although some students take a gap during a course or between completing a qualification and seeking work.
According to research undertaken by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER)[1], the incidence of gap-taking by Australian students has increased – it is estimated that approximately 25 percent of Australian students who complete high school will take a gap year before they go on to further education.
Interestingly, the research found that the most common activities of Australian gap students were part-time (28%) or full-time work (23%), or training (10%) – only 6% reported travel as their main activity. This is significantly lower than the incidence of travel reported for students taking gap years in the United Kingdom or United States.
Because there are so many opportunities and experiences available to gap-takers, there are likewise, a range of benefits. These might include:
A study by the University of Sydney found that Australian students who had taken a gap year as a result of lower academic performance and motivation in secondary school were more motivated during their tertiary education than those who had not taken a gap year.
The findings of this and other research suggest gap-takers are often more motivated and successful in their courses, have wider interests and are more easily able to socialise with a diverse range of people. If the gap year experience is valued by prospective employers, they may gain employment advantages – for example, where students gain relevant work experience, or combine travel and voluntary work, this can add to their skillset and increase their employability after university. Given the competition for jobs, this can only be a positive thing!
Interestingly, fewer Australian students travel or undertake voluntary work, despite the benefits it can deliver. In many cases this will come down to financial reasons – either the student needs to work to save money for their university years, or simply does not have the savings to head overseas. For those with the means to travel, there’s a variety of opportunities they can take up, such as volunteering for projects across a range of countries and ‘themes’. These might include:
While most volunteer positions are available in developing nations, there are also opportunities in other parts of the world. This can be a boon for students wanting to learn or develop a second language.
These are great opportunities for those who can afford it – how can provide a positive gap year experience for your children or grandchildren?
One strategy to fund a gap year experience is a regular investment plan using an investment bond. <!--As detailed in our last article published by Adviser Voice – Resolutions for a new year [please link:] – -->Regular investment of savings harnesses the benefits of compound interest and dollar cost averaging, and enables investors to build up a nest egg over time. While many managed investments have savings plans attached to them, investment bonds have a range of features that make them especially attractive to regular investors with a longer-term investment goal.
An investment bond can be initiated with as little as $500, and regular investments of up to a total of 125% of the initial investment can be made each year.
An investment bond is a tax effective structure; tax is paid within the investment bond rather than personally by the investor. The maximum tax paid on the earnings and capital gains within an investment bond is 30%, although franking credits and tax deductions can reduce this effective tax rate.
There is no tax liability on maturation after 10 years, and no capital gains tax liability when switching between investment options.
However, if necessary, the investment is accessible earlier; if redeemed within the first 10 years, the investor will pay tax on the assessable portion of growth as shown in figure one.
Figure one: Tax payable on returns from investment bonds
Withdrawal occurs | Taxable portion (of growth redrawn) |
Within the first 8 years | 100% |
In year 9 | Two-thirds |
In year 10 | One-third |
After 10 years | Nil |
No one likes paperwork and while your money remains invested, the manager of the investment bond will pay tax on investment earnings; there is no requirement for you to declare those earnings in your annual tax reporting.
Centuria’s investment bonds offer a choice of investment options:
Earnings are automatically reinvested in the bond and because investors have no capital gains tax liability, reinvestment dates do not need to be tracked for capital gains tax purposes. Investors can also switch between investment options without triggering personal capital gains tax.
Investment bonds provide investors with freedom to nominate anyone as a beneficiary in the event of their death. As an investment bond falls outside of the estate, it is not distributed according to the will, nor is it affected if the owner dies intestate.
Once the ten-year investment period ends, or in the event of the death of the investor, the investment bond is paid tax-free to the nominated beneficiary/ies.
Illustrative Case study
Kerrie and Sam have two children in primary school and want each of them to have the opportunity to take a gap year, to see the world and make a contribution through voluntary work. They invest $1,000 to start a regular investment plan using an investment bond.
Each month, Kerrie and Sam add $100 through a regular investment plan, and each year, the regular savings amount is increased by 25%.
Figure one: Growth in investment balance over 10 years
Source: Centuria – figures assume investment returns of 4% income (70% franked) and 3% growth, and that the investment is held for 10 years. This example is for illustration purposed only and does not purport to represent the return achievable in any particular investment bond. Investments are subject to risk, including the risk of negative return. Changes to the assumptions given in the illustrative example will alter the outcome.
If the outcome in this illustrative example is achieved, Kerrie and Sam’s investment will have grown to a little over $49,000, tax paid, by the time their first child finishes school. That way, both of their children will have a funded gap year to explore the world and take up opportunities that will help them develop skills to benefit their future employment.
Saving and investing regularly over the medium to long term can translate into a growing nest egg. Your children and grandchildren can benefit from the power of compounding returns and have a fund to support them during a gap year between school and university – or between university and starting work. After all, everyone wants the best for their children – this way, you can be sure that your children can make the most of every opportunity available to them.
Find out more about Centuria’s Investment Bonds.
The examples provided in this article are illustrative only. Suitability of a Centuria Investment Bond will depend on a person’s circumstances, financial objectives and needs, none of which have been taken into consideration in preparing this whitepaper. Prospective investors should obtain and read a copy of the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) for any investment bond and consider the information in the PDS in light of their circumstances, objectives and needs before making a decision to invest. This document is not an offer to invest in any of Centuria’s Investment Bonds. An investment in any of Centuria’s Investment Bonds is subject to risk as detailed in the PDS. Issued by Centuria Life Limited ABN 79 087 649 054 AFSL 230867
[1] Who takes a gap year and why? – NCVER, 2015