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Trust Manager, Centuria Industrial REIT

Centuria is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Ross Lees as Trust Manager, Centuria Industrial REIT. Mr Lees will commence with Centuria on Monday, 10 April 2017.
Mr Lees joins Centuria from Dexus where he held senior transactional and portfolio management roles in the Industrial sector. Mr Lees’ prior experience also includes over six years at Stockland in national valuation and transactional roles and four years at Logos Property Australia establishing and leading their asset management platform.
CIP is Australia’s largest ASX-listed pure play industrial investment vehicle catering for both institutional and retail investors.
Nicholas Collishaw, CEO of Centuria’s listed property division said “Ross’ appointment is a welcome addition to Centuria’s existing industrial management team.
As a qualified valuer with expensive experience in Australia’s industrial markets, Ross is a strong addition to Centuria’s senior executive team, and very well placed to lead CIP in the next stage of the REIT’s growth

[1]   CIP exchanged contracts for the acquisition of Lot 14 Sudlow Road on 29 June 2017 with settlement expected on 29 September 2017.
[2]   As at 31 December 2016 pro-forma adjustments to reflect the sale of 60 Marple Avenue, Villawood and the purchase of 207 Browns Road, Noble Park and Lot 14 Sudlow Road, Bibra Lake.