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Centuria Office REIT
HY22 Interim Results

A quality portfolio of highly connected and affordable office space without single market concentration

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FY22 FFO Guidance

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Distribution FY22 Guidance

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Centuria Office REIT
HY22 Results

Australia’s largest ASX listed pure play office REIT 

Centuria Office REIT (ASX:COF) has announced HY22 interim results to 31 December 2021.

Centuria Capital is the manager of the Centurial Office REIT. Under the expertise of Centuria management, COF has grown to be Australia’s largest listed pure-play office REIT with a high quality, diversified, $2.3bn portfolio.

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High quality assets


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Portfolio WALE

COF HY22 results highlights

Centuria Office REIT Fund Manager, Grant Nichols discusses the Fund’s HY22 highlights.

Providing high quality, highly connected and affordable office space.

geographic diversificationconnectivityaccessBuilding agesdiscount rents
Balanced geographic diversification without single market concentrationConnectivity with key transport nodes & reduced commute timeAccess to recreational amenity, essential retail & hospitalityPortfolio of young assets: Average building age is
c.16 years
COF exposed market rents average a significant discount to Sydney CBD

1. Guidance remains subject to unforeseen circumstances and material changes in operating conditions
2. Gearing is defined as total borrowings less cash divided by total assets less cash and goodwill
3. Pro forma gearing and NTA reflecting 50% acquisition of 203 Pacific Highway, St Leonards, NSW. Gearing as at 31 December 2021 was 31.1%, with NTA at $2.50/unit
4. By gross income