News and media

Please find below news and media articles related to Centuria’s unlisted property funds.


Centuria’s unlisted retail property funds top index again

For the sixth quarter in a row, Centuria’s Unlisted Property team has achieved six funds in the top 10 in the unlisted retail property sector’s leading index.


A tale of two property markets

Jason Huljich, Head of Real Estate and Funds Management, interviewed on Switzer Radio with regards to the commercial property outlook.


Unlisted property’s renaissance

Unlisted property syndicates first came about in the 1980’s, where numerous investors pooled their capital to invest in commercial, retail or industrial properties that may have otherwise been too expensive for the investors to invest in directly. Over the years, the asset class has grown and matured through many property cycles and – in my opinion – improved with age.


Centuria’s unlisted property funds clock five quarters with 6 of the best

For the fifth quarter in a row, Centuria’s Unlisted Property team has achieved six funds in the top 10 in the sector’s leading index this week.


Clean energy partnership expands Centuria Healthcare’s corporate social responsibility platform

Centuria Healthcare has partnered with renewable energy operator Solar Bay to deploy solar energy across its healthcare property portfolio.


Centuria swoops on landmark Adelaide office tower

South Australia’s premier CBD office property the latest addition to $4.7 billion portfolio Centuria Capital Group (CNI) today announced that it exchanged unconditional contracts for the purchase of a 50% stake in the Bendigo & Adelaide Bank headquarters at 80 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, for $92.3 million. Acquisition of the $184.6 million office tower was made in partnership with Centuria’s capital partner,


Centuria expands into property debt funds

Debt funds growing in popularity as an alternative investment With demand for quality investment products at unprecedented levels, Centuria has moved into the emerging market of real estate debt investment to meet a growing investor appetite for higher returning investments. Traditionally the domain of Australia’s major banking institutions, real estate debt investment involves the provision of senior lending,


Sydney and Melbourne fringe markets outperforming

The AFR’s recent article, Values and rents surge in fringe Sydney and Melbourne office markets, reports that over the last year, Sydney and Melbourne’s fringe office markets have far out-performed their CBD counterparts when it comes to capital-value growth and rental growth, due to a movement by commercial property investors up the risk curve and towards more affordable,


Property markets evolve, fundamentals stay the same

Due diligence is essential before making any investment decision – and property is no exception. Direct property markets may not be as volatile as equities and other listed investments, but they are affected by a large number of factors (both macroeconomic and property-specific), so understanding and interpreting these factors is essential to making the best possible decisions.


Centuria Fund added to multiple platforms

Centuria Diversified Property Fund offers investors direct property exposure with monthly liquidity Centuria Capital has significantly expanded financial adviser access to the Centuria Diversified Property Fund (CDPF, the Fund), which has been added to the investment menus for HUB24, Netwealth, FUND.eXchange, Powerwrap, Colonial First State FirstWrap and Macquarie Wrap platforms. The Fund offers investors on the platform direct property exposure,


Hall and Prior and Centuria Healthcare launch property partnership with acquisition of Tuohy Nursing Home

Centuria Healthcare Aged Care Property Fund No. 1 (CHACPF1) has recently acquired the 49-bed Tuohy Nursing Home in Midland, Perth and six surrounding properties.


Active strategies key to property success

As some things change, the important things stay the same. For Centuria’s Property Funds Management division, active management has always been a central tenet of its corporate strategy, and it remains the key to our ongoing success. Our ability to identify profitable buying (and selling) opportunities, as well as our hands-on management of individual property assets,

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