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Weststate Private Hospital, West End Qld

Weststate Private Hospital is a five storey architecturally designed, purpose-built hospital which will be comprised of operating theatres, procedure room, day and overnight beds, as well as the restoration and development of a heritage listed consulting suite building.

The main surgical sub-specialty will be orthopaedics. Other significant sub-specialties will be urology, ophthalmology, endoscopy, general surgery, gynaecology, oral, ENT, neurosurgery, hepatobiliary, vascular and bariatric.

Weststate Private Hospital

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8,800m2 NLA
Subject to
final survey

Black icon circle medical certificate

Healthcare services
Main surgical
sub-specialty will
be orthopaedics

Black icon circle heart beat

Ancillary services
Childcare and

Contact us

The Centuria Developments Team can be contacted regarding development opportunities on