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Industrial and logistics development projects

Centuria have a proud history and strong track record of acquiring, developing, and adding value to assets for our tenants and investors. Our experienced team partner with third party specialists and clients to unlock value, create and deliver solutions that meet our customer’s needs.

Most recently Centuria has completed a new fund-through purpose built industrial unit estate facility over 40,000m2 at Dandenong South, Victoria, a 22,000m2 warehouse development at Direk, South Australia, purpose built for APEX and a warehouse development which is currently under construction in Campbellfield, Victoria for a 45,000m2 unit estate.

Centuria currently features an industrial pipeline of 25 developments including rezoning, repositioning, subdivisions and master planned industrial estates through to purpose built solutions in partnership with its valued tenants and investment partners.

Current projects

Contact us

The Centuria Developments Team can be contacted regarding development opportunities on