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90-118 Bolinda Road, Campbellfield VIC

The industrial development located in Campbellfield Victoria is a brand new modern logistics facility, comprising five tenancies across approximately 45,375sqm of lettable area. Known as ‘M80 Connect’ the warehouses have been developed on a 7.92ha site located on the highly accessible and sought-after Bolinda Road.

Only 15km north from the Melbourne CBD, 10km from Tullamarine Airport and direct access to the Metropolitan Ring Road, tenants will benefit from unhindered access to wider Melbourne and NSW freight routes. With the flexibility and an opportunity to tailor tenancy sizes to suit various warehouse and logistic needs, M80 Connect is a high quality development which has been designed with the vision of incorporating best in class environmental and sustainability initiatives. The development targeted a 5-star v1.3 Design & As-built by the Green Building Council of Australia.

Using state of the art construction, solar has been provided to each tenancy, ESFR sprinkler systems, flexible docks, large heavy-duty hardstands with cantilevered and super awning, 13.7m internal ridge height with 11.5m internal warehouse clearance. The development can accommodate semi-trailers and b-doubles with single directional truck flow.

The project was completed in October 2023.

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Green star

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Institutional grade
warehouses up
to 13,286m2

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October 2023

90-118 Bolinda Rd_Campbelfield_Cam 05_Final
90-118 Bolinda Rd_Campbelfield_Cam 03_Final
90-118 Bolinda Rd_Campbelfield_Cam 02_Final
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90-118 Bolinda Road

Campbellfield VIC

90-118 Bolinda Road

Campbellfield VIC

90-118 Bolinda Road

Campbellfield VIC

90-118 Bolinda Road

Campbellfield VIC

Contact us

The Centuria Developments Team can be contacted regarding development opportunities on

The Centuria Leasing Team can provide further information regarding leasing opportunities for this property.