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Notice of Centuria Capital Group 2020 Virtual Annual General Meeting

As a result of the ongoing uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the restrictions on public gatherings and the requirement for physical distancing, the Annual General Meeting of shareholders of Centuria Capital Limited and the General Meeting of unitholders of Centuria Capital Fund (together, the AGM) will be held solely as a virtual meeting on Friday, 20 November 2020 at 11:00 am (AEDT).

In accordance with subsection 5(1)(f) of the Corporations (Coronavirus Economic Response) Determination (No.1) 2020 made by the Commonwealth Treasurer on 5 May 2000, we will not be dispatching physical copies of the Notice of Meeting. Instead the Notice of Meeting and accompanying explanatory statement (Meeting Materials) are being made available to securityholders electronically and can be accessed via the following link:

We encourage securityholders to consider lodging a proxy vote online in advance of the AGM.

If you wish to receive a copy of your personalised proxy form or are unable to access the Meeting Materials online, please contact our Share Registry, Boardroom Pty Limited, on or 1800 182 257 (within Australia) or +61 2 9290 9689 (outside Australia) between 8:30 am and 5:30 pm (AEDT) Monday to Friday.

FY20 Annual Results and Annual Report

You can download documents relating to the FY20 Annual Results and Annual Report by clicking on the links below:

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Sustainability at Centuria

Centuria is committed to the development and implementation of environmental and social sustainability practices across its portfolio, while adhering to its best practice corporate governance.

More about sustainability