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Centuria Diversified Property Fund investor centre

If you are an existing investor, you can access information about your holdings on our Centuria Investor website. If you would like to invest in the Centuria Diversified Property Fund, please use the online application form.


Centuria Diversified Property Fund unit pricing

The Centuria Diversified Property Fund (CDPF) merged with the Primewest Property Income Fund (PPIF) on 27 May 2022.

Centuria Diversified Property Fund Stapled



CDPF Historical Unit Prices

Centuria Diversified Property Fund


PPIF Historical Unit Prices

Continuous disclosures

Download RG97 Fees Disclosure, RG46 Disclosure and Quarterly Fund Update.

CDPF continuous disclosures – Post merger

Date Continuous disclosure
17/10/24 The Fund provides a limited liquidity facility on a quarterly basis. The September 2024 redemption facility applied approximately 87% scaling to all redemption requests. Any withdrawal request submitted during a quarter which is not satisfied, either in whole or in part, automatically rolls over to the following quarter, unless the Investor requests otherwise or the Manager suspends withdrawals. Any withdrawal requests rolled over to the next period (quarter) do not have priority, but form part of the pool of new withdrawal requests for that next quarter.
17/07/24 The Fund provides a limited liquidity facility on a quarterly basis. The June 2024 redemption facility applied approximately 86% scaling to all redemption requests. Any withdrawal request submitted during a quarter which is not satisfied, either in whole or in part, automatically rolls over to the following quarter, unless the Investor requests otherwise or the Manager suspends withdrawals. Any withdrawal requests rolled over to the next period (quarter) do not have priority, but form part of the pool of new withdrawal requests for that next quarter.
06/06/24 Update on property sales and debt hedge expiry

To accommodate approaching liquidity needs of the Fund, Management has recently conducted proactive sales programs for two office assets held by the Fund – being 10 Moore Street, Canberra ACT and 8 Market Lane, Maroochydore Qld.

We are pleased to confirm both properties have been successfully sold in line with the most recent independent valuations. This is a good result given the prevailing commercial property market conditions.

The sale proceeds are being deployed to reduce the Fund’s gearing to a conservative level of approximately 28% (post settlement). The sales improve the Fund’s exposure to industrial and social infrastructure sectors and the WALE of the Fund.

Approximately 99% of the Fund’s drawn debt is hedged at a blended rate of 1.88% p.a. until the end of June 2024 (in addition to the blended bank margin). The existing hedge profile has assisted in mitigating interest rate volatility during FY24. With the expiry of hedges approaching in June 2024, the Fund’s cost of debt is anticipated to increase in line with prevailing market interest rates. The successful sale programmes have reduced the Fund’s gearing and exposure to elevated interest rate environment.

A sale of the assets will change the income profile of the Fund. Similarly, a changed cost of debt will impact the expenses of the Fund. These factors are forecast to reduce future distributions of the Fund.

The Fund is now in a stronger position to facilitate the approaching liquidity event in December 2025, and also has the capacity to look for new accretive investment opportunities to improve Fund performance.

The Funds Management Team is considering various strategies to protect and improve future distributions. These include:

  1. entering into further hedge arrangements to reduce the cost of debt to the Fund, which may result in a cost to the Fund;
  2. seek new investment opportunities to add to the Fund’s portfolio and drive performance;
  3. a potential sale of the Mulgrave asset, with a sales campaign scheduled to commence in the coming month; and
  4. should the Mulgrave asset be held, increasing occupancy to generate additional income.

Should these outcomes be achieved, the Fund should be in a better position to review distributions throughout FY25.

22/05/24 Update on asset sales and debt hedge expiry

To accommodate continued liquidity needs of the Fund, Management has recently conducted on market sales programs for two office assets held by the Fund – being 10 Moore Street, Canberra ACT and 8 Market Lane, Maroochydore Qld.

We are pleased to report that 10 Moore Street, Canberra has now unconditionally exchanged contracts for sale with settlement scheduled for 1 July 2024. The sale price of $26.5m (net) is in line with the most recent independent valuation of the property.

The Maroochydore asset remains in ‘due diligence’ with a purchaser. A due diligence period is a non-binding timeframe whereby purchaser completes a detailed analysis of the property(s). Following the completion of the due diligence period, which is expected to occur in the coming weeks, binding exchange of contracts may occur. A further continuous disclosure update will be provided as matters progress.

Approximately 99% of the Fund’s drawn debt is hedged at a blended rate of 1.88% p.a. until the end of June 2024 (in addition to the blended bank margin). The existing hedge profile has assisted in mitigating interest rate volatility during FY24. With the expiry of hedges approaching in June 2024, the Fund’s cost of debt is anticipated to increase in line with prevailing market interest rates. The Fund is considering various strategies to protect future distributions including entering into further hedge arrangements which may result in a cost to the Fund.

A sale of the assets will change the income profile of the Fund. Similarly, a changed cost of debt will impact the expenses of the Fund. These factors will have implications on the future distributions of the Fund.

11/04/24 The Fund provides a limited liquidity facility on a quarterly basis. The March 2024 redemption facility applied approximately 88% scaling to all redemption requests. Any withdrawal request submitted during a quarter which is not satisfied, either in whole or in part, automatically rolls over to the following quarter, unless the Investor requests otherwise or the Manager suspends withdrawals. Any withdrawal requests rolled over to the next period (quarter) do not have priority, but form part of the pool of new withdrawal requests for that next quarter.
25/03/24 Withdrawal of Singapore Offer

Effective 25 March 2024, additional units in the Fund will no longer be offered to investors in Singapore.

The Manager has determined it is in the best interest of investors to withdraw the Fund’s Singaporean offering for the time being. The offering is not providing the intended benefit to the Fund due to low inflows and annual compliance costs. The Manager will continue to assess the viability of offering the Fund in Singapore and may reactivate the offer in the future if it considers it is in the best interests of investors to do so.

As part of the withdrawal, existing Singaporean investors can remain in the Fund, however, will not be able to participate in the Fund’s Distribution Reinvestment Plan or acquire additional units.

The PDS dated 30 September 2022 is to be read in conjunction with this information and all references in the PDS to the Offer being available to investors in Singapore do not apply on and from 25 March 2024.

19/03/24 Change in the Application allotment process – March 2024.

The CDPF quarterly property valuation cycle may have a positive or negative impact on the unit price. To act in the best interests of all investors the Fund will be moving to a new process each quarter end while the valuations are reviewed and confirmed.

Further to the disclosure in the Product Disclosure Statement, the Fund will postpone the processing of applications 10 business days prior to the end of a quarter (excluding any regular DRP applications from the prior period). Investor applications lodged during this period will be accepted but not processed until the completion of the valuation cycle. Applications will be allotted at the unit price which incorporates the updated valuations at quarter end. No additional action is required by investors once the application has been submitted. Investors may withdraw their application at any time prior to allotment.

09/02/24 CDPF has now completed the revaluation of an asset within the Fund’s portfolio, which has been reflected in the Fund’s unit price as at 2 February 2024. Applications received but not yet processed will be allotted at the updated unit price.
08/01/24 Change in the Application allotment process – January 2024.

The CDPF is attaining an updated valuation for an asset within the Fund’s portfolio which may have a positive or negative impact on the unit price.

To act in the best interests of all investors the Fund, and further to the disclosure in the Product Disclosure Statement, the Fund will postpone the processing of applications for the remainder of the month (excluding any regular DRP applications from the prior period). Investor applications lodged during this period will be accepted but not processed until the completion of the valuation cycle. Applications will be allotted at the unit price which incorporates the updated valuations at quarter end. No additional action is required by investors once the application has been submitted. Investors may withdraw their application at any time prior to allotment.

17/01/24 The Fund provides a limited liquidity facility on a quarterly basis. The December 2023 redemption facility applied approximately 88% scaling to all redemption requests. Any withdrawal request submitted during a quarter which is not satisfied, either in whole or in part, automatically rolls over to the following quarter, unless the Investor requests otherwise or the Manager suspends withdrawals. Any withdrawal requests rolled over to the next period (quarter) do not have priority, but form part of the pool of new withdrawal requests for that next quarter.
06/12/23 Management is in the process of negotiating a restructure of a lease with a sitting tenant at 10 Moore Street, Canberra ACT (Property). The Property is a well located A grade office asset, and as at 30 September 2023 is 100% occupied with a 3.75 year WALE. The Property currently represents 14% of the Fund’s investment portfolio. One of the major tenants in the property has unfortunately been negatively impacted over the past 12 months. At the time of writing this disclosure, the tenant has just become two months in rental arrears. There is a risk that the tenant becomes financially unviable and defaults, which may negatively impact distributions, the valuation of the Property, and the unit price of the Fund.

Management is currently exploring mechanisms to provide short term rental relief in exchange for a short term lease extension. This proposition provides the tenant time to recover revenue streams, continue operation at the property, and maintains occupancy of the Property. Management will keep investors updated as matters progress.

10/10/23 The Fund provides a limited liquidity facility on a quarterly basis. The September 2023 redemption facility applied approximately 87% scaling to all redemption requests. Any withdrawal request submitted during a quarter which is not satisfied, either in whole or in part, automatically rolls over to the following quarter, unless the Investor requests otherwise or the Manager suspends withdrawals. Any withdrawal requests rolled over to the next period (quarter) do not have priority, but form part of the pool of new withdrawal requests for that next quarter.
15/09/23 Change in the application allotment process

The CDPF quarterly property valuation cycle may have a positive or negative impact on the unit price. To act in the best interests of all investors the Fund will be moving to a new process each quarter end while the valuations are reviewed and confirmed.

Further to the disclosure in the Product Disclosure Statement, the Fund will postpone the processing of applications 10 business days prior to the end of a quarter (excluding any regular DRP applications from the prior period). Investor applications lodged during this period will be accepted but not processed until the completion of the valuation cycle. Applications will be allotted at the unit price which incorporates the updated valuations at quarter end. No additional action is required by investors once the application has been submitted. Investors may withdraw their application at any time prior to allotment.

10/07/23 The Fund provides a limited liquidity facility on a quarterly basis. The June 2023 redemption facility applied approximately 84% scaling to all redemption requests. Any withdrawal request submitted during a quarter which is not satisfied, either in whole or in part, automatically rolls over to the following quarter, unless the Investor requests otherwise or the Manager suspends withdrawals. Any withdrawal requests rolled over to the next period (quarter) do not have priority, but form part of the pool of new withdrawal requests for that next quarter.
26/06/23 Settlement of the sale of 381 Macarthur Ave, Hamilton occurred Thursday 15 June 2023.
16/06/23 The Fund is in the process of completing 30 June 2023 valuations and reviewing its FY24 distribution budget. The recent increases in interest rates may negatively impact valuations and future distributions.
02/06/23 Settlement of the sale of 60 Investigator Drive, Robina occurred Monday 29 May 2023.
29/05/23 The Fund has completed market sales campaigns for the divestment of two of the Fund’s smaller Queensland assets. 60 Investigator Drive, Robina has unconditionally exchanged contracts for sale at $8.8 million, reflecting a 4.7% premium to the 31 March 2023 book value. Settlement is scheduled to occur late May 2023. 381 Macarthur Avenue, Hamilton has unconditionally exchanged contracts for sale at $18.5 million, approximately 4.0% below the 31 March 2023 book value. Settlement is scheduled to occur mid-June 2023.
21/04/23 We have reviewed and updated the Target Market Determination for the Fund. The updated TMD is available in the Fund’s website, within the Investor Centre section.
12/04/23 The Fund provides a limited liquidity facility on a quarterly basis. The March 2023 redemption facility applied approximately 85% scaling to all redemption requests. Any withdrawal request submitted during a quarter which is not satisfied, either in whole or in part, automatically rolls over to the following quarter, unless the Investor requests otherwise or the Manager suspends withdrawals. Any withdrawal requests rolled over to the next period (quarter) do not have priority, but form part of the pool of new withdrawal requests for that next quarter.
21/03/23 The Fund provides a limited liquidity facility on a quarterly basis. The December 2022 redemption facility applied 50% scaling to all redemption requests. Any withdrawal request submitted during a quarter which is not satisfied, either in whole or in part, automatically rolls over to the following quarter, unless the Investor requests otherwise or the Manager suspends withdrawals. Any withdrawal requests rolled over to the next period (quarter) do not have priority, but form part of the pool of new withdrawal requests for that next quarter.
23/02/23 The Fund will shorty commence on market sales campaigns for the divestment of two of the Fund’s smaller Queensland assets. The assets include 60 Investigator Drive, Robina and 381 Macarthur Avenue, Hamilton. Management will provide an update to investors following the conclusion of the respective sales campaigns.
16/02/23 The Fund has updated the performance reporting methodology, including the reinvestment of income returns, to align with industry standards. The update requires no action from investors, and the methodology is outlined in the footnotes associated with the performance data.
30/09/22 New PDS available. Please click here to access a copy of the updated PDS.
30/09/22 Primewest Management Limited has retired as responsible entity of CDPF No. 2 in favour of Centuria Property Funds Limited (CPFL). CPFL is now the sole responsible entity of CDPF and CDPF No. 2 (together the stapled fund known as CDPF).
08/08/22 The development of 36 Caribou Drive, Direk SA remains on track with practical completion expected in January 2023.

As outlined in the Fund’s PDS, where the Fund invests in a development, the Manager’s establishment and placement fee can be charged on the acquisition of the land and thereafter the remaining fee can be charged upon completion of the development; and the Manager is able to charge the fee on amounts expended for the purposes of the development. The Manager confirms that it intends to charge the remainder of the 2.0% establishment and placement fee upon completion of development of 36 Caribou Drive, Direk SA (based on the total amount agreed with the vendor to be paid).

30/06/22 Redemption withdrawal requests, for the 30 June 2022 quarter, will be accepted until 4.00 pm on 1 July 2022.
27/05/22 The Investor meetings relating to the merger between the Centuria Diversified Property Fund (CDPF) and the Primewest Property Income Fund (PPIF), were held on 26 May 2022. We are pleased to confirm that all the resolutions were passed, by both sets of unitholders. The Funds have now successfully merged, with an implementation date of the 27 May 2022. A summary of the meeting minutes for the General Meeting can be found by logging into your Centuria Investor portfolio at

The merged fund has now reopened to applications and withdrawals. The fund has also recently updated the PDS to reflect the merger.

CDPF continuous disclosures – Prior to merger

Date Continuous disclosure
13/05/22 The Fund has issued a Supplementary Explanatory Memorandum and Replacement Product Disclosure Statement in relation to the Notice of Meeting previously provided to CDPF unitholders in March 2022. Documentation has been issued to investors, and is also available via the merger webpage.
Please note: The date of the Meeting has been postponed until 10.30am AEST on Thursday 26 May 2022 to allow CDPF unitholders additional time to consider the Supplementary Explanatory Memorandum and Replacement PDS. Withdrawal and applications will resume on Friday 27 May 2022, and a catch-up distribution payment will be made in June 22.
25/03/22 The Fund will temporarily suspend distributions, redemptions and applications between 22 April 2022 and 27 May 2022. The suspension relates to the proposed merger between the Primewest Property Income Fund and the Centuria Diversified Property Fund. The suspension is required in order to establish an up to date merger ratio for the proposed merger, and ensure both CDPF and PPIF investors benefit from the most up to date information available prior to the investor vote. We encourage all Investors to carefully review the merger documentation, which can be found on the merger webpage.
We highly recommend posting any applications prior to Wednesday, 18 April 2022 to allow adequate time for the processing and allotment of units prior to 22 April 2022.
11/03/22 The Fund has issued a Notice of Meeting relating to the merger between the Centuria Diversified Property Fund and the Primewest Property Income Fund. Documentation has been issued to investors, and is also available via the merger webpage
15/11/21 The Fund completed valuations of the direct property holdings to ensure an accurate and current unit price. The Fund’s direct property assets have been revalued as at 15/11/2021 by independent property valuers. The property valuations showed a change in value of -$0.10m compared to the previous valuations conducted. These valuations have been adopted and reflected in the daily unit pricing for the Fund.
14/10/21 Fund settles the purchase of land at 36 Caribou Drive, Direk SA.
30/08/21 Nicholas Collishaw has resigned from his position as Non-executive Director of Centuria Property Funds Limited.
24/07/21 The Fund declares a special distribution of 11.25 cents per unit.
20/07/21 The Fund enters into contract for the purchase of 36 Caribou Drive, Direk SA.
02/07/21 The Fund has settled on its first industrial asset, 171 Camboon Road, Malaga WA.
01/07/21 Nicole Green has been appointed as an Independent Non-executive Director of Centuria Property Funds Limited.
29/06/21 The Fund confirms SIV compliance.
25/05/21 Fund enters into contract for the purchase of 171 Camboon Road, Malaga WA
01/04/21 Centuria continues to complete valuations of the direct property holdings on a quarterly basis to ensure an accurate and current unit price. The Fund’s direct property assets have been revalued as at 31/03/2021 by independent property valuers. The property valuations showed no change in value compared to the previous valuations conducted as at 31 December 2020. These valuations have been adopted and reflected in the daily unit pricing for the Fund.
01/02/21 Redemption of Ordinary Units held by a Centuria related entity.
01/02/21 A General Meeting of Investors was held on 29 January 2021. The Resolution related to changes to some of the Fund’s features including; modification to liquidity provisions, target asset allocation, performance fee methodology, and various amendments to the Constitution. The resolution was passed by Special Resolution and, as a result, an updated Product Disclosure statement has been issued and is available here.
04/01/21 A Meeting of Investors of the Centuria Diversified Property Fund has been scheduled for Friday 29 January, 2021.

The Meeting is being convened to give Investors an update on the current position of the Fund and vote on the Resolution.

The Manager is proposing changes to some of the Fund’s features, as well as amendments to its Constitution. This is to bring the Fund’s key attributes in line with other similar property funds in the market and reflect the maturity of the Fund, with the intention of increasing the Fund’s income returns.

01/12/20 Notice of Unit Pricing Blackout Period – Centuria Diversified Property Fund (CNT0032AU).

Please note that there will be a unit pricing blackout period for the above-mentioned fund over the Christmas period for the following dates 29/12/2020 – 31/12/2020.
The delayed prices will be provided between 4/1/2021 and 6/1/2021.

02/11/20 The Centuria Diversified Property Fund is an illiquid direct property investment with a limited liquidity facility.

Commencing 1 November 2020, the monthly liquidity amount may be limited to 0.5% of the Fund’s net asset value in line with the PDS.

Any withdrawal request submitted during a particular month which is not satisfied, either in whole or in part, automatically rolls over to the following month unless the Investor requests, or the Manager determines, otherwise.

Any withdrawal requests rolled over to the next month do not have priority, but form part of the pool of withdrawal requests for that next month.

01/10/20 Centuria has undertaken out of cycle property valuations for the Fund’s direct properties. This action was taken to ensure the Fund’s direct real estate assets reflect current market conditions. All four of the Fund’s direct property assets have been revalued (as at 30/09/2020), by independent property valuers. The revised property valuations indicate a modest reduction of approximately 1.4% compared to previous valuation as at 30 June 2020. These valuations have now been adopted and reflected in the daily unit pricing for the Fund.
01/07/20 Daily unit pricing for the Fund has been suspended (1 July 2020) as the required information from the Fund’s Vanguard investments have not been provided. Daily unit pricing will recommence once this information is available.
18/06/20 New PDS available. Please click here to access a copy of the updated PDS.
22/04/20 Centuria has conducted out of cycle property valuations for 60 Brougham Street, Geelong & 21-29 Havelock Street West Perth. This action was taken to ensure the Fund’s material syndicate investments reflect current market conditions in light of market volatility due to the COVID-19 crisis. 60 Brougham Street, Geelong & 21-29 Havelock Street West Perth have been valued (as at 21/04/2020) by independent property valuers. The revised property valuations indicate a modest reduction of approximately 1.6% compared to previous valuation as at 31 December 2019. These valuations have now been adopted and reflected in the daily unit pricing for the Fund.
17/04/20 Centuria has undertaken out of cycle property valuations for the Fund’s direct properties. This action was taken to ensure the Fund’s direct real estate assets reflect current market conditions in light of market volatility due to the COVID-19 crisis. All four of the Fund’s direct property assets have been revalued (as at 16/04/2020), by independent property valuers. The revised property valuations indicate a modest reduction of approximately 1.3% compared to previous valuation as at 31 December 2019. These valuations have now been adopted and reflected in the daily unit pricing for the Fund.
09/04/20 The Fund has recently updated disclosures regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. The Managers approach to liquidity remains in line with the PDS, please refer to section 3.6 for further information. Whilst a monthly estimate is not currently available for publishing due to uncertainty with COVID-19, the Funds limited liquidity facility remains in place. The full extent and reach of the COVID-19 pandemic is unknown, you can be assured the Manager is safeguarding Unitholder interests with a prudent and cautious approach to Fund disclosures.
07/04/20 Supplementary PDS available. Please click here to access a copy of the updated PDS.
02/04/20 COVID-19 has been declared by the World Health Organization as a pandemic. At this time the extent and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is still developing and it is unknown what the ultimate effect will be on the broader global economy. In general, and noting that the government has announced a range of fiscal stimulus measures to address the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the COVID-19 pandemic could adversely impact the revenue of some of the tenants in the Fund’s Properties. As a result, those tenants may fail to generate sufficient revenue to make rental payments and, in some cases, sustain their business. In addition, as a result of reduced revenue, the Manager has had requests from tenants for rent abatements or reductions. If the Manager is required to provide rent reductions or abatements, the income of the Fund may be materially impacted. Any failure of a tenant to pay rent, rent abatements or a reduction in demand will impact the Fund’s revenue. This may have a negative impact on distributions to Investors and the value of the Fund’s investments.
01/04/20 Daily unit pricing for the Fund has been suspended (1 April 2020) as the required information from the Fund’s Vanguard investments have not been provided. Daily unit pricing will recommence once this information is available.
31/03/20 Redemption withdrawal requests, for the month of March 2020, will be accepted until 5.30pm on the last business day of this month.
29/02/20 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $11,491,806
Unit Price – $1.4422
26/02/20 Ordinary Units issued to a Centuria related entity
13/02/20 Units held in the Centuria 2 Wentworth Street Fund: Settlement of the sale of 2 Wentworth Street, Parramatta, NSW
31/01/20 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $10,967,895
Unit Price – $1.4430
31/12/19 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $6,059,159
Unit Price – $1.4361
Gearing – 39.81%
31/12/19 Redemption of Acquisition Units held by a Centuria related entity
03/12/19 Units held in the Centuria 2 Wentworth Street Fund: Contracts for sale exchanged for 2 Wentworth Street, Parramatta NSW
30/11/19 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $14,659,987
Unit Price – $1.4188
29/11/19 Redemption of Acquisition Units held by a Centuria related entity
28/11/19 Fund enters into contract for the purchase of 13-15 Compark Circuit, Mulgrave VIC
15/11/19 Fund settles on 25 Montpelier Road, Bowen Hills, QLD
12/11/19 Acquisition Units issued to a Centuria related party
31/10/19 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $10,665,128
Unit Price – $1.4235
11/10/19 Fund enters into a put and call option for the purchase of 25 Montpelier Road, Bowen Hills, QLD
30/09/19 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $732,603
Unit Price – $1.4236
31/08/19 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $18,322,403
Unit Price – $1.4337
27/08/2019 Benchmark Data Correction Letter
22/08/2019 Units held in the Centuria Zenith Fund: Settlement of the sale of ‘The Zenith’ 821 Pacific Highway, Chatswood, NSW
31/07/19 Redemption of Acquisition Units held by a Centuria related entity
31/07/19 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $8,643,461
Unit Price – $1.4337
30/06/19 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $5,778,273
Unit Price – $1.4346
28/06/19 Redemption of Acquisition Units held by a Centuria related entity
21/06/19 Fund settles on 381 Macarthur Avenue, Northshore Hamilton, QLD
4/06/19 Units held in the Centuria 19 Corporate Drive Fund: Settlement of the sale of 19 Corporate Drive, Cannon Hill, QLD
4/06/19 Fund settles on 10 Moore St, Canberra
03/06/19 Please note a change in Responsible Entity principal place of business and postal address details:
Centuria Property Funds Limited
Level 41 Chifley Tower,
2 Chifley Square, Sydney NSW 2000
All other contact details remain the same
31/05/19 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $9,677,793
Unit Price – $1.4355
30/05/19 Acquisition Units issued to a Centuria related entity
29/05/19 Letter to Investors – Acquisition of 10 Moore St, Canberra
30/04/19 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $21,937,256
Unit Price – $1.4212
29/04/19 Fund acquires 381 Macarthur Avenue, Northshore Hamilton, QLD
18/04/19 Updated annual fees and costs – April 2019
31/03/19 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $18,827,160
Unit Price – $1.4365
28/02/19 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $17,187,305
Unit Price – $1.4187
31/01/19 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $15,256,483
Unit Price – $1.4105
30/01/19 Correction to disclosure from 24/07/18:
Fund acquires 1,683,849 units in the Centuria 80 Grenfell Street Office Fund as at 24/07/18
15/01/19 Fund acquires 19,200 units in the Centuria 19 Corporate Drive Fund
31/12/18 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $13,486,860
Gearing – 27.93%
Unit Price – $1.3946
30/11/18 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $10,058,286
Gearing – 30.82%
Unit Price – $1.3463
28/11/18 Please note a change in registry details:
1800 182 257
16/11/18 Letter to Investors – Performance Data Correction
31/10/18 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $9,017,618
Gearing – 30.95%
Unit Price – $1.3498
30/09/18 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $8,633,918
Gearing – 32.25%
Unit Price – $1.3592
31/08/18 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $7,512,250
Gearing – 32.47%
Unit Price – $1.3651
31/07/18 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $4,752,208
Gearing – 34.91%
Unit Price – $1.3625
24/07/18 Fund acquires 1,683,849 units in the Centuria Geelong Office Fund
18/07/18 Corrections to disclosures from 05/04/18:
1. Fund acquired 100,000 units in the Centuria 203 Pacific Highway Fund on 03/04/18
2. Fund acquired 50,000 units in the Centuria 8 Central Avenue Fund No.2 on 03/04/18
30/06/18 June 2018 Fund Quarterly Update
30/06/18 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $5,089,534
Gearing – 34.63%
Unit Price – $1.3431
05/07/18 Centuria Capital appoints General Counsel and Company Secretary
31/05/18 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $2,718,195
Gearing – 37.62%
Unit Price – $1.3408
14/05/18 Fund acquires 2,074,395 units in the Centuria Geelong Office Fund
30/04/18 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $2,521,456
Gearing – 37.61%
Unit Price – $1.3369
18/04/18 Fund acquires 1,000,000 units in the Centuria Geelong Office Fund
05/04/18 Fund acquires 50,000 units in the Centuria 203 Pacific Highway Fund
05/04/18 Fund acquires 100,000 units in the Centuria 8 Central Avenue Fund No.2
04/04/18 Fund acquires 6,500,000 units in the Centuria Geelong Office Fund
31/03/18 March 2018 Fund Quarterly Update
31/03/18 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $1,287,183
Gearing – 29.95%
Unit Price – $1.3347
28/02/18 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $6,699,191
Gearing – 31.22%
Unit Price – $1.3348
31/01/18 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $6,369,543
Gearing – 31.96%
Unit Price – $1.3452
10/01/18 Fund acquires 2,023,022 units in the Centuria Sandgate Road Fund
09/01/18 Fund acquires 850,000 units in the Centuria Sandgate Road Fund
02/01/18 Fund acquires 1,574,166 units in the Centuria Havelock House Fund
31/12/17 December 2017 Fund Quarterly Update
31/12/17 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $5,751,830
Gearing – 34.68%
Unit Price – $1.3559
5/12/17 Fund acquires 80,000 units in the Centuria Havelock House Fund
30/11/17 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $9,107,449
Gearing – 26.70%
Unit Price – $1.3093
20/11/17 Fund acquires 20,000 units in the Centuria Havelock House Fund
20/11/17 Fund acquires 750,000 units in the Centuria Sandgate Road Fund
17/11/17 Fund acquires 1,000,000 units in the Centuria Havelock House Fund
31/10/17 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $4,906,456
Gearing – 30.78%
Unit Price – $1.2983
26/10/17 In use notice for updated Product Disclosure statement lodged with ASIC
30/09/17 September 2017 Fund Quarterly Update
30/09/17 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $4,240,843
Gearing – 31.7%
Unit Price – $1.2939 per unit
29/09/17 In use notice for updated Product Disclosure statement lodged with ASIC
31/08/17 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $2,131,467
Gearing – 36.6%
Unit Price – $1.2947 per unit
16/08/17 Fund acquires 50,000 units in the Centuria Sandgate Road Fund
31/07/17 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $1,689,052
Gearing – 37.9%
Unit Price – $1.2942 per unit
30/06/17 June 2017 Fund Quarterly Update
30/06/17 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $1,705,828
Gearing – 38%
Unit Price – $1.2883 per unit
27/06/17 Fund acquires 56,061 units in the Centuria SOP Fund
15/06/17 Fund acquires 100,000 units in the Centuria 203 Pacific Highway Fund
6/06/17 Fund acquires 1,000,000 units in the Centuria Havelock House Fund
31/05/17 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $3,041,220
Gearing – 33.9%
Net Asset Backing – $1.2075 per unit
1/05/17 Fund acquires 25,000 units in the Centuria Havelock House Fund
30/04/17 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $1,444,040
Gearing – 39.2%
Net Asset Backing – $1.2126 per unit
20/04/17 Fund acquires 1,200,000 units in the Centuria Scarborough House Fund
20/04/17 Fund acquires 1,300,000 units in the Centuria Scarborough House Fund
31/03/17 March 2017 Fund Quarterly Update
31/03/17 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $1,691,061
Gearing – 37.8%
Net Asset Backing – $1.2110 per unit
28/02/17 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $747,092
Gearing – 43.0%
Net Asset Backing – $1.2100 per unit
31/01/17 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $713,932
Gearing – 43.2%
Net Asset Backing – $1.2248 per unit
31/12/16 December 2016 Fund Quarterly Update
31/12/16 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $687,495
Gearing – 43.4%
Net Asset Backing – $1.2251 per unit
30/11/16 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $625,634
Gearing – 45.4%
Net Asset Backing – $1.1232 per unit
29/11/16 Fund acquires 12,500 units in the Centuria 8 Central Avenue Fund No.2
23/11/16 Fund acquires 50,000 units in the Centuria 2 Wentworth Street Fund and 12,500 units in the Centuria 8 Central Avenue Fund No.2
31/10/16 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $678,596
Gearing – 45.1%
Net Asset Backing – $1.1173 per unit
30/09/16 September 2016 Fund Quarterly Update
30/09/16 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $680,904
Gearing – 45.1%
Net Asset Backing – $1.1256 per unit
12/09/16 Fund acquires initial units in the Vanguard Wholesale Cash and Index A-REIT Fund
31/08/16 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $620,335
Gearing – 45.5%
Net Asset Backing – $1.1237 per unit
31/07/16 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $0
Gearing – 50.5%
Net Asset Backing – $1.1250 per unit
29/07/16 Fund acquires 5,000,000 units in the Centuria Zenith Fund
30/06/16 Monthly Fund Update
Liquidity – $0
Gearing – 43.8%
Net Asset Backing – $1.1252 per unit
24/06/16 Fund acquires 500,000 units in the Centuria ATP Fund and 76,452 units in the Centuria 19 Corporate Drive Fund
21/03/16 Fund Constitution established

PPIF Continuous Disclosures

Primewest Property Income Fund – RG46 and continuous disclosures

Date Continuous disclosure
13/05/22 The Fund has issued a Supplementary Explanatory Memorandum and Replacement Product Disclosure Statement in relation to the Notice of Meeting previously provided to PPIF unitholders in March 2022. Documentation has been issued to investors, and is also available via the merger webpage. Please note: The date of the Meeting has been postponed until 12.30pm AEST on Thursday 26 May 2022 to allow PPIF unitholders additional time to consider the Supplementary Explanatory Memorandum and Replacement PDS. Withdrawal and applications will resume on Friday 27 May 2022, and a catch-up distribution payment will be made in June 22.
11/04/22 The Fund will temporarily suspended distributions and applications between 22 April 2022 and 27 May 2022. The suspension relates to the proposed merger between the Primewest Property Income Fund and the Centuria Diversified Property Fund. The suspension is required in order to establish an up to date merger ratio for the proposed merger, and ensure both CDPF and PPIF investors benefit from the most up to date information available prior to the investor vote. We encourage all Investors to carefully review the merger documentation, which can be found on (new window). We highly recommend posting any applications prior to Wednesday, 18 April 2022 to allow adequate time for the processing and allotment of units prior to 22 April 2022.
31/03/22 The Fund completed valuations of the direct property holdings to ensure an accurate and current unit price. The Fund’s direct property assets have been revalued as at 31/03/2022 by independent property valuers. The property valuations showed a $1.80m change in value compared to the previous valuations conducted. These valuations have been adopted and reflected in the daily unit pricing for the Fund.
23/03/22 The Fund redemption facility will be temporarily suspended following the March 2022 redemption window. The suspension relates to the proposed merger between the Primewest Property Income Fund and the Centuria Diversified Property Fund. We encourage all Investors to carefully review the merger documentation, which can be found on (new window)
11/03/22 The Fund has issued a Notice of Meeting relating to the merger between the Centuria Diversified Property Fund and the Primewest Property Income Fund. Documentation has been issued to investors, and is also available via the merger webpage (new window)
16/02/22 Fund issues updated Product Disclosure Statement (PDS)
16/12/21 A Replacement PDS is now available and a Target Market Determination has been issued. The Fund is now open to applications.
15/11/21 The Fund completed valuations of the direct property holdings to ensure an accurate and current unit price. The Fund’s direct property assets have been revalued as at 15/11/2021 by independent property valuers. The property valuations showed a $3.36m change in value compared to the previous valuations conducted. These valuations have been adopted and reflected in the daily unit pricing for the Fund.
27/10/21 Appointment of new Fund Manager to the Fund.
08/10/21 Registry provider transitioned to Boardroom Limited.
04/10/21 The Fund is temporarily closed to applications.
19/07/21 Centuria Capital Limited and Centuria Funds Management Limited complete the compulsory acquisition of all remaining securities in Primewest Management Limited – being the Responsible entity of the Fund.

PDS & forms

Please download the PDS or appropriate forms from below for the Centuria Diversified Property Fund.

This Target Market Determination (TMD) is required under section 994B of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (the Act). It sets out the class of consumers for whom the product, including its key attributes, would likely be consistent with their likely objectives, financial situation and needs.
Set up regular direct debit from your bank account into Centuria Diversified Property Fund
To be completed to appoint or change your Australian Financial Services Authorised Representative (Adviser)
Please print, complete your details associated with this application, sign and upload the signature verification document with your online application.
Download the Centuria Diversified Property Fund PDS
For existing investors to make an additional investment (minimum amount $1,000) into the Centuria Diversified Property Fund
The Managers intend to offer Investors the opportunity to withdraw their investment quarterly on a limited basis (March, June, September and December). The amount available to meet withdrawal requests for the quarter will be up to 2.5% of the Net Asset Value of the Fund, as calculated in accordance with the Constitutions as at the last Business Day before the withdrawals are processed, and will be capped at 10% p.a. However, the Managers may in their discretion increase the amount available in a given quarter.
Provide your Tax File Number (TFN) for your investment
Notify us of a death of an investor on our register
Provide us with guardian details for a registered holder that is not yet the legal age of consent
Existing investors can reinvest their distributions and create a distribution reinvestment plan
Existing investors can nominate a bank account for distribution payments or funds to be paid into
Consolidate any holdings registered in your name
Executors/administrators to request a replacement certificate
Individuals to request a replacement certificate
Companies to request a replacement certificate
Nominate a representative to attend any unitholder meetings on your behalf
Where Probate/Letters of administration have been granted in an Australian Territory or State other than where the securities are registered.
Update or correct your name
Nominate to receive all unitholder communication electronically
Record your Tax Residency in accordance with the Foreign Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and the Common Reporting Standard (CRS).
Update address details
Update your contact details

All forms for investors and advisers are also available via Centuria Investor website.

Distribution and taxation history

Distribution date Distribution rate (cents/unit) Period Payment view
10 September 2024 0.3125 August 2024 View payment
9 August 2024 0.3125 July 2024 View payment
24 July 2024 0.425 June 2024 View payment
11 June 2024 0.425 May 2024 View payment
10 May 2024 0.425 April 2024 View payment
10 April 2024 0.425 March 2024 View payment
11 March 2024 0.425 February 2024 View payment
9 February 2024 0.425 January 2024 View payment
12 January 2024 0.425 December 2023 View payment
11 December 2023 0.425 November 2023 View payment
10 November 2023 0.425 October 2023 View payment
12 October 2023 0.425 September 2023 View payment
11 September 2023 0.425 August 2023 View payment
10 August 2023 0.425 July 2023 View payment
17 July 2023 0.4625 June 2023 View payment
9 June 2023 0.4625 May 2023 View payment
10 May 2023 0.4625 April 2023 View payment
11 April 2023 0.4625 March 2023 View payment
10 March 2023 0.4625 February 2023 View payment
10 February 2023 0.4625 January 2023 View payment
10 January 2023 0.4625 December 2022 View payment
09 December 2022 0.4625 November 2022 View payment
10 November 2022 0.4625 October 2022 View payment
10 October 2022 0.4625 September 2022 View payment
09 September 2022 0.4625 August 2022 View payment
10 August 2022 0.4625 July 2022 View payment

Application and AML guidance

Which form?

There are three identification forms that follow the application form:

    • Individuals, Joint, Sole Trader
    • Australian Companies
    • Trusts, Trustee & SMSFs.

Choose the form that is applicable to your investment entity. Please note, partnerships, associations, cooperatives, foreign companies or Government bodies should contact the Centuria Investor Services Team for the most applicable application form.

New investors

Individual Investors

  • Application Form
  • Investor Identification Form 1 (Applicant 1)
  • Tax Information Form
  • Originally certified ID document(s) for Investor 1 named in Identification Form 1 – Individuals, Joint, Sole Trader.
  • Include all forms and certified copies of your ID documents with your initial application form when you send it to us.
  • Please refer to the FAQ’s for more information on getting your original documents certified.

Joint Investors

  • Application Form
  • Investor Identification Form 1 – Individuals, Joint, Sole Trader (complete both Applicant 1 & 2)
  • Tax Information Form
  • Originally certified ID document(s) for both Investor 1 and Investor 2 named in Identification Form 1 – Individuals, Joint, Sole Trader.
  • Include all forms and certified copies of your ID document(s) with your initial application form when you send it to us.
  • Please refer to the FAQ’s for more information on getting your original documents certified.

Australian Company Investors

  • Application Form
  • Investor Identification Form 2 – Australian Companies
  • Tax Information Form
  • Originally certified ID documents for ALL individuals named in Section 1.5 of Identification Form 2 – Australian Companies. Note that if there are no individuals who own or control more than 25% of the company, complete the names of the individual(s) who directly or indirectly control the company.
  • Full ASIC Company extract (the ASIC extract is used to verify that the beneficial owners listed on the form are correct)
  • Include all forms and certified copies of your ID document(s) with your initial application form when you send it to us.

Joint individual investors as Trustees for a Regulated Trust (including SMSF)

  • Application Form
  • Investor Identification Form 3 – Trusts, Trustees & SMSFs
  • No trust documents are required for complying SMSFs that have provided a valid ABN for the SMSF confirming that it is a complying SMSF.
  • Include all forms with your initial application form when you send it to us.

Company as Trustee for a Regulated Trust (including SMSF)

  • Application Form
  • Investor Identification Form 3 – Trusts, Trustees & SMSFs
  • No certified identification documents are required for complying SMSFs that have provided a valid ABN for the SMSF confirming that it is a complying SMSF.
  • Include all forms with your initial application form when you send it to us.

Individual investor(s) as Trustee(s) for an Unregulated Trust

Unregulated Trusts include family trusts, unit trusts and testamentary trusts.

  • Application Form
  • Investor Identification Form 3 – Trusts, Trustees & SMSFs
  • Tax Information Form
  • Originally certified ID document(s) for ALL of the following individuals:
    • ONE trustee named in Section 2.1 of Identification Form 3 and
    • The Appointer named in Section 1.2 of Identification Form 3 and
    • The Settlor named in Section 1.2 of Identification Form 3 (if any)
  • Originally certified copy of Trust Deed or other Acceptable Document outlined in Section 1.6 of Identification Form 3.
  • Include all forms and certified copies of your ID document(s) with your initial application form when you send it to us.
  • Please refer to the FAQ’s for more information on getting your original documents certified.

Company as Trustee for an Unregulated Trust

Unregulated Trusts include family trusts, unit trusts and testamentary trusts.

  • Application Form
  • Investor Identification Form 3
  • Tax Information Form
  • Originally certified ID document(s) for the following individuals:
    • ALL Beneficial Owners of the corporate trustee named in Section 4.5 of Identification Form 3 and
    • The Appointer named in Section 1.2 of Identification Form 3 and
    • The Settlor named in Section 1.2 of Identification Form 3 (if any)
  • Full ASIC Company extract (the ASIC extract is used to verify that the beneficial owners of the corporate trustee are correct) Originally certified copy of Trust Deed or other Acceptable Document outlined in Section 1.6 of Identification Form 3.
  • Include all forms and certified copies of your ID document(s) with your initial application form when you send it to us.

Please refer to the FAQ’s for more information on getting your original documents certified.

Existing investors

Please note that from 1 July 2017, there are new investor disclosure requirements relating to investor’s current tax residency status. The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and Common Reporting Standard (CRS) are regulatory requirements that aim to deter tax evasion by US and other foreign taxpayers. All financial institutions (including fund managers such as Centuria) now have an obligation to report on foreign individuals for tax purposes. As such if you have not had a new investment with us since 1 July 2017 you will need to complete the Tax Information form enclosed in the application.

Individual Investors

  • Application Form
  • Tax Information Form

Joint Investors

  • Application Form
  • Tax Information Form

Australian Company Investors

  • Application Form
  • Tax Information Form

Joint investors as Trustees for Self-Managed Superannuation Fund

  • Application Form

Company as Trustee for Self-Managed Superannuation Fund

  • Application Form

Joint Investors as Trustees for Family Trust (other trust type)

  • Application Form
  • Tax Information Form

Company as Trustee for Family Trust (other trust type)

  • Application Form
  • Tax Information Form.

Tax cost base apportionment

For capital gains tax purposes, securityholders who hold a stapled security in the Centuria Diversified Property Fund (stapled entity) are required to apportion the cost of each security between the cost base of units in Centuria Diversified Property Fund and the cost base of units in Centuria Diversified Property Fund No. 2 (formerly Primewest Property Income Fund). The cost base is relevant for any sale or disposal of securities in Centuria Diversified Property Fund (stapled entity) and the receipt of any tax deferred distributions.

This apportionment is required to be done on a reasonable basis. One reasonable way to determine cost base (and allocation of sale proceeds) is to apply a Net Tangible Asset approach in respect of the stapled entities using the following information:


Date Centuria Diversified Property Fund Centuria Diversified Property Fund No.2 Centuria Diversified Property Fund (stapled entity)
31 December 2023 72.65% 27.35% 100.00%
30 June 2023 74.57% 25.43% 100.00%
30 June 2022 76.50% 23.50% 100.00%
27 May 2022 (stapling) 76.57% 23.43% 100.00%

Please note that the correct apportionment rate to be used depends on the relevant date of the specific transaction. The apportionment rate relevant for the acquisition of a stapled security may differ from the rate on disposal.

Centuria Diversified Property Fund typically announces its Net Tangible Assets each 31 December and 30 June.


Fund Administration

For enquiries regarding your investment in CDPF and the Centuria Investor portal. Have your investor number ready.

P: 1800 182 257
E: Email Registry

Login to Centuria Investor

Investor Services Team

For enquiries regarding the management of the fund, including performance, strategic direction and property portfolio.

P: 1300 224 424
E: Email Investor Services