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Centuria’s unlisted retail property funds remain at the top of the index

For the tenth quarter in a row, Centuria’s Unlisted Property team has achieved six funds in the top 10 in Australia’s unlisted retail property fundsector’s leading index.

Centuria has again taken the top honours in the recently released June 2019 quarter, with Centuria funds taking the top six places based on total return performance for the 12 months to 30 June 20191:

  • 1st: Centuria ATP Fund
  • 2nd: Centuria 2 Wentworth St Fund
  • 3rd: Centuria Zenith Fund
  • 4th: Centuria 8 Central Avenue Fund 2
  • 5th: Centuria 203 Pacific Highway Fund
  • 6th: Centuria 8 Central Avenue Fund

The Property Council of Australia/MSCI Australia Unlisted Retail Quarterly Property Fund Index (Unfrozen) measures net asset value2 total returns for core unlisted retail property funds within the index in the Australian market. Participants currently include Centuria Property Funds, Charter Hall Group, Australian Unity and Cromwell Property Group3.

The index takes account of the performance of the properties held within the unlisted fund structure, together with the impacts of non-property assets, cash holdings, debt, and fees, to produce an overall investment return. They are produced to help the real estate investment sector raise its information, reporting and transparency standards to the level of the mainstream exchange traded asset classes.

For the June 2019 quarter, the index included 28 funds totalling $7.3 billion in gross asset value.

Unlisted property funds provide investors the opportunity to pool their capital to invest in commercial, retail or industrial properties, which may otherwise require too much capital to invest in directly. They generally provide monthly or quarterly income with the potential for capital upside and may be suit as a mid-term investment, with funds locked up for between five to seven years.

The PCA/MSCI Australia Unlisted Retail Quarterly Property Fund Index (Unfrozen) is the only index in Australia that measures performance of unlisted retail property funds. They are produced by MSCI, a world leader in index measures with one of the most extensive private real estate databases in the world.

Download the Quarterly Property Fund Indexes :

Annualised total return for Centuria’s funds are calculated by Centuria Property Funds Ltd (ABN 11 086 553 639, AFSL 231149) as responsible entity/trustee since 1998 and includes net asset value as well as distributions.

1 Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Each fund managed by Centuria Property Funds will have different characteristics, properties and risk and should be assessed by an investor independently. None of the Centuria funds listed in this media release are open to investment and should not be relied on by investors when making a decision to invest in any of Centuria’s open funds. Investors should rely on information in a product disclosure statement of any fund open for investment. 
2 Net of fees.
3 Previous participants also include Folkestone Funds Management (until December 2018), CorVal Partners (until December 2018), Investec (until September 2017), MAB Funds Management (until June 2017) and Mair Property Funds (until June 2017).