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1055 Numurkah Road, Katunga Vic

1055 Numurkah Road, Katunga Vic, is located 228km north of Melbourne in the Goulburn Valley region of northern Victoria.

The property provides 21.0 hectares of glasshouses, energy infrastructure and packing, distribution and ancillary sheds. These are utilised to grow high revenue premium tomatoes across the snacking, speciality, cocktail and large truss segments.

Additionally, the asset includes high-tech glasshouse technology and UV lighting used to generate a consistent supply of fresh tomatoes and capsicums all-year-round, which provides a genuine point of difference in the marketplace.

The facility has the capacity to produce over 15,000 tonnes per annum.

Property typeAgricultural property
Ownership interest100% Centuria Agriculture Fund
Gross lettable area210,000 sqm

Katunga Vic