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Jason Huljich

Joint CEO Jason Huljich’s c.30-year real estate career spans the commercial and industrial real estate sectors. Jason is a co-founder of Centuria Capital Limited and along with Joint CEO, John McBain, collectively oversees $21 billion of assets under management.

Jason is chiefly responsible for the company’s real estate portfolio and funds management operations including the listed Centuria Industrial REIT (ASX:CIP) and Centuria Office REIT (ASX:COF), as well as Centuria’s extensive range of unlisted funds across Australia and New Zealand.

In addition, Jason has been instrumental in Centuria’s entry into the real estate credit market (Centuria Bass Credit) as well as Centuria’s cloud services and AI joint venture (ResetData).

Since Centuria was established, Jason has been pivotal in raising over $5 billion for the listed and unlisted vehicles. He has been central to positioning Centuria as Australia’s fourth largest external property funds manager. CNI and CIP are included in the S&P/ASX 200 index. COF is included in the S&P/ASX 300 index. CIP and COF are part of the FTSE EPRA Nareit Global index.

Jason has a hands-on approach to the real estate operations throughout the Group’s platform. The Transactions, Development, Funds Management, Distribution, Marketing and Asset Management teams all report directly to him.

Jason is a Property Funds Association (PFA) of Australia past President and currently sits on the Property Council’s Capital Markets Division Committee.

Centuria-related boards

  • Centuria Capital Group (ASX:CNI – Executive Director)
  • Centuria Life Limited (Executive Director)
  • Centuria Healthcare Asset Management Limited (Non-Executive Director)
  • Centuria Healthcare Pty Limited (Non-Executive Director)
  • Centuria Property Funds No.3 Limited (formerly Primewest Management Limited) (Executive Director)
  • Centuria Property Funds No.4 Limited (formerly Primewest Funds Limited) (Executive Director)
  • Centuria Funds Management (NZ) Ltd (Director)
  • Centuria NZ Industrial Fund Limited (Director)
  • Centuria Bass Credit Limited (Non-Executive Director)