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John McBain

Joint CEO John McBain’s c.45-year real estate career commenced after graduating from Auckland University with a valuation qualification. His experience spans the commercial and industrial markets in Australia, NZ and UK and the healthcare and agriculture sectors.

He is an executive director of Centuria Capital Limited, Centuria Life Limited, Centuria Healthcare Pty Limited, Centuria Property Funds No. 3 Limited (formerly Primewest Management Limited), a director of Centuria Bass Credit Pty Limited and director of ResetData Pty Ltd. John is also a director of NZX-listed Asset Plus Limited (NZX: APL) and serves on the Centuria NZ and Centuria Healthcare Management committees.

John is a co-founder of Centuria Capital Limited and is responsible for Centuria’s corporate team. This remit includes corporate strategy, M&A and leadership of the Finance, Governance, Compliance, Investor Relations, Communications and ESG teams. He also serves on the Non-Financial Risk Committee and the ESG Management Committee.

John has been instrumental in the incorporation of several businesses into the Centuria group, including the 360 Capital Group, Heathley Asset Management (now Centuria Healthcare), Augusta Capital Limited (now Centuria NZ) and the Primewest Group. These acquisitions, together with a successful integration program overseen alongside fellow Joint CEO Jason Huljich, has created significant corporate growth over the past 30 years culminating in Centuria Capital Limited entering the S&P ASX 200 index in 2021 with the group now managing $21 billion of assets.

Centuria-related boards

  • Centuria Capital Group (Executive Director)
  • Centuria Life Limited (Executive Director)
  • Centuria Property Funds No.4 Limited (formerly Primewest Funds Limited) (Executive Director)
  • Centuria Property Funds No.3 Limited (formerly Primewest Management Limited) (Executive Director)
  • Centuria Healthcare Pty Limited (Executive Director)
  • Centuria Bass Credit Limited (Non-Executive Director)
  • Asset Plus Limited (NZX:APL) (Director)
  • Centuria Funds Management NZ Limited (Alternate Director)
  • Centuria NZ Industrial Fund Limited (Alternate Director).

Centuria-related committees

  • Centuria NZ Management Committee
  • Centuria Healthcare Management Committee