The Centuria Healthcare Property Fund (CHPF) is an unlisted healthcare property fund that aims to provide monthly tax effective income and the potential for long term capital growth by investing in a diversified portfolio of healthcare real estate located within Australia.
If you would like to invest in the future, please request a PDS and read the Target Market Determination to determine if this investment suits your investment objectives.
Invest with as little as $10,000. The fund offers monthly distributions and limited quarterly withdrawals^.
The Centuria Healthcare Property Fund complies with the SIV guidelines. Find more information about SIV compliance.
ARSN 638 821 360 APIR CTR0438AU
Watch Fund explainer video
The Fund will have rolling five-year investment terms with a liquidity event at the end of each term. At the end of each term, there will be a liquidity event where, subject to its obligations at law, the Manager will use best endeavours to provide liquidity for Investors wishing to redeem all or some of their investment. The current investment term began in August 2020 and is expected to end in August 2025.
The Fund generally processes withdrawals on a quarterly basis (March, June, September & December). The Withdrawal Price applicable is the Unit Price on the last Business Day of the quarter less any applicable Sell Spread and is generally paid by the 21st day of the following month.
Quarter | Withdrawal request due by |
March | 2pm on 31 March |
June | 2pm on 30 June |
September | 2pm on 30 September |
December | 2pm on 31 December |
Withdrawals from the Fund may be scaled back, delayed or suspended in certain circumstances, including where the Fund has insufficient liquidity.
Withdrawal requests are generally satisfied from the Fund’s cash, cash-like products or realisation of the Fund’s A-REITs.
The amount available for withdrawal on a quarterly basis will be subject to available liquidity, and capped at:
The minimum amount available to meet withdrawal requests during a quarter is 0.5% of the Fund’s NAV. However, the actual amount available in any quarter is expected to exceed this amount. At the beginning of each quarter the Manager estimates the amount it expects will be available to satisfy withdrawal requests received during that quarter and publishes this amount on the Fund’s continuous disclosures. The actual amount available to satisfy withdrawal requests is determined as at the day before the withdrawals are processed (i.e. after the end of the relevant quarter).
(previous 6 months)
# This is a monthly distribution and not annualised
* CPU = Cents per unit
Implementation of the Significant Investor Visa (SIV) on 24 November 2012 by the Australian Federal Government is a great opportunity for people looking to migrate to Australia.
This legislation allows high net worth investors who invest at least $5 million Australian dollars into investments that meet the SIV guidelines to apply for permanent residence through the Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent) visa (subclass 888) Significant Investor stream if certain requirements are met.
The Centuria Healthcare Property Fund complies with the SIV guidelines.
The Centuria Healthcare Property Fund has Recommended ratings from Core Property Research5 and Lonsec Research6.
As an investor, you can invest directly with us (refer to PDS) or via an investment platform if you have a financial adviser. The Fund is currently available on the following investment platforms:
All investments in unlisted property funds carry risk. As the Fund invests in commercial healthcare property, it carries the market and property risks associated with investing in healthcare property. As a geared investment, the Fund also carries associated financial and leverage risks. Risks can impact on distribution and capital returns over the term of the Fund. It is important that you read the Product Disclosure Statement and understand the risks of investing.
With an ageing population, long life expectancy, chronic disease occurence and an increased focus on preventative care, healthcare investing is under the scope.
Find out more about healthcare property investing with Centuria in our three part Podcast hosted by our very own Dylan Tomkins – Distribution Manager.
The information discussed is of a general nature and is not investment advice. All opinions expressed and are the opinions of Vijitha Yogavaran, Healthcare Fund Manager for Centuria as of January 2023.
Watch the Explainer video or read through the infographic to learn how the fund works.
Or learn more about investing in healthcare by reading the educational content in Centuria Foundations.
CHPF infographicDisclaimer: Centuria Property Funds No.2 Limited ABN 38 133 363 185 AFSL 340304 (CPF2L) is the responsible entity for the Centuria Healthcare Property Fund (ARSN 638 821 360)(Fund) and has issued a Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) for the Fund. This information is general information only and does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any person. You should consider whether this information is appropriate for you and consult your financial or other professional adviser before investing. You should obtain and read a copy of the PDS relating to the Fund before making a decision to invest. CPF2L and its associates will receive fees in relation to an investment in the Fund as disclosed in the PDS. Investment in the Fund is subject to risk including possible delays in payment or loss of income and principal invested. CPF2L does not guarantee the performance of the Fund.
1. The target distribution rate is not a forecast, is predictive in nature and is subject to assumptions, risks and circumstances (both known and unknown) outside of the control of Centuria Property Funds No. 2 Limited, as responsible entity of the Fund. Actual returns may differ from the target return. Centuria Property Funds No. 2 Limited does not guarantee the performance of the Fund, the repayment of capital or any income or capital return. Should interest rates differ from forecast levels, distributions may be revised. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Review the full historical performance.
2. Distributions will be paid if declared by Centuria Property Funds No.2 Limited (CPF2L) and will be subject to the terms set out in the PDS.
3. As at -
4. Performance is shown for informational purposes only. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Performance fees may affect total return performance.
5. The Core Property rating (assigned in November 2020) presented in this document has been prepared and issued by Core Property Research Pty Ltd (“Core Property”), which is an Authorised Representative ASIC number 1280479 of Core Property Research Holdings Pty Ltd (ACN 633 170 751, AFS License No. 518320) (Licensee), and trading as Core Property. Whilst the information contained in the report has been prepared with all reasonable care from sources that Core Property believes are reliable, no responsibility or liability is accepted by Core Property for any errors, omissions or misstatements however caused. Past performance information is for illustrative purposes only and is not indicative of future performance. The Core Property publication is not and should not be construed as, an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to purchase or subscribe for any investment. Any opinion contained in the Report is unsolicited general information only. Neither Core Property nor the Participant is aware that any recipient intends to rely on this Report or of the manner in which a recipient intends to use it. To access the full report, please click here. The rating is subject to change without notice and Core Property assumes no obligation to update the report.
6. Lonsec ratings disclaimer: The Lonsec Rating (Centuria Healthcare Property Fund assigned Nov 2022) presented in this document is published by Lonsec Research Pty Ltd ABN 11 151 658 561 AFSL 421 445. The Rating is limited to “General Advice” (as defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)) and based solely on consideration of the investment merits of the financial product(s). Past performance information is for illustrative purposes only and is not indicative of future performance. It is not a recommendation to purchase, sell or hold Centuria product(s), and you should seek independent financial advice before investing in this product(s). The Rating is subject to change without notice and Lonsec assumes no obligation to update the relevant document(s) following publication. Lonsec receives a fee from the Fund Manager for researching the product(s) using comprehensive and objective criteria. For further information regarding Lonsec’s Ratings methodology, please refer to our website at:
~ Inception date is 21 September 2020. Annualised total return figures are the sum of the annualised income return and the annualised capital return (each calculated on a standalone basis).
^ Redemptions are limited to the terms detailed in the PDS and are subject to CHPF’s liquidity policy