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Investment Bonds Insights March 2016

This year is already shaping up to be a year of change with growing regulatory uncertainty around super continuing.

This environment makes it an opportune time to have some great conversations with your clients. For example, if you have clients considering their aged care options, looking to supplement their superannuation, seeking estate planning certainty or looking to fund the cost of education for their children or grandchildren there is a conversation you can have with them.

The Centuria High Growth, Growth, Australian Shares and Balanced Bond Fund recently received an investment grade rating from Lonsec. These funds have also performed well in their categories having outperformed their peer groups over 1,3 and 5 years.

The table below summarises the returns for all our linked portfolios.

 Bond  Net Performance* INVESTMENT BOND AWARD - Finalist Large
1 year  2 years  3 years  5 years
 Centuria Growth Bond Fund 1.92% 6.14% 7.99% 6.12%
 Centuria Balanced Fund 0.30% 3.76% 6.06% 5.86%
 Centuria High Growth Fund 0.55% 5.06% 9.00% 7.08%
 Centuria Australian Shares Fund  -0.14% 5.01% 7.17% 7.11%

*Important notice: Performance figures are shown on an after fees and after tax basis and are based on the movement in unit prices over the period. The table is accurate as at 29 February 2016. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.