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Investment Bonds Insights November 2016

Welcome to our November 2016 edition of Investment Insights

Now that the Government has finalised legislation for super reforms, there is some certainty over the changes that will come into place on 1st July 2017.

“What the legislation shows is that making additional contributions to super may no longer be the best option for investors planning for their retirement. Those savers likely to exceed the $1.6 million superannuation balance cap should review their options and consider alternatives to help supplement their superannuation.

“One alternative that can be very effective is an investment bond. We have seen an increased level of enquiries from people wanting information on bonds since the superannuation reforms were first proposed in the 2016 Federal Budget. Now that the reforms have been confirmed we expect the enquiries to continue given that bonds are a simple, flexible way for investors to supplement their super.

“Investment bonds can provide many benefits. There is no limit to the amount that can be invested, which makes them an attractive option for those who will face limits to what they can concessionally and non concessionally contribute when the changes come into effect. Bonds are also flexible, providing access to funds at any time, but after 10 years there is no personal tax to pay on withdrawals. Another advantage is that bonds allow for additional contributions of up to 125% of the previous year’s contribution each year.

“Despite the changes to legislation, superannuation remains a very effective way of saving for retirement, but for Australians who will be affected by the new rules next year, and for those who want to contribute more than the maximum tax effective contribution, investment bonds can be a very robust option worthy of consideration,”

We’ve recently launched an online application form for financial advisers and clients, the online form takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. Download PDS and forms below:

Download PDS & Forms 

See our performance table below, which summarises the returns for all our unit linked portfolios.

Performance figures are correct to 31 October 2016

 Bond  Net Performance*
1 month 3 months 6 months 1 year  2 years  3 years  5 years
 Centuria Growth Bond Fund -1.67% 0.32% 4.92% 6.20% 7.32% 6.95% 8.14%
 Centuria Balanced Fund -0.56% 0.96% 4.83% 4.37% 5.36% 5.04% 7.63%
 Centuria High Growth Fund -1.55% 1.13% 5.87% 3.60% 6.63% 6.30% 9.80%
 Centuria Australian Shares Fund -2.17% 1.51% 8.62% 10.58% 8.27% 7.64% 10.41%
 Centuria Implemented Portfolios Dynamic Asset Allocation Bond 0.92% -0.74% 1.84% 1.79%
Centuria Cash Plus Fund 1.23% 2.58% 6.16%  3.57%


For more information about Centuria’s Investment Bonds please call 1300 50 50 50 or email

We look forward to supporting you and your business throughout 2016.