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Centuria Manning Mall Fund


Fund status: Opening soon

A single asset wholesale Fund that aims to deliver attractive income (distributed monthly) and the potential for capital growth by investing in Manning Mall; a sub-regional shopping centre offering the convenience of a neighbourhood hub that’s strategically located in a growth corridor of the NSW mid north coast.


Forecast average distribution rate over Fund term1

Black icon circle bar graph trend

Target IRR (net of fees)2

Black icon circle calendar

Initial Fund term

Icon dollar

Minimum investment

Register interest

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Please note you must qualify as a wholesale investor to invest in the Fund.

1. Distributions will be paid if declared by Centuria Property Funds No.3 Ltd and will be subject to the terms, assumptions and risks set out in the Information Memorandum, when available. The rate specified is a forecast only and its achievement or the payment of distributions is not promised or guaranteed.

2. Target IRR applying assumptions including terminal cap rates for the property. The target IRR is subject to due diligence and will be finalised in the Information Memorandum (IM). This target return is not a forecast and is provided for the information of investors only. The target IRR is based on Centuria’s acquisition modelling but is highly contingent on the key future assumptions, which are not contracted or certain. Refer to the IM for further information, including cap rate sensitivities that illustrate the impact on the IRR of changes in the value of the property. No guarantee is made that the target IRR, or any of the assumptions and variables used to calculate the IRR, will be achieved and the actual IRR may differ materially from the target IRR.

Disclaimer: Centuria Property Funds No.3 Ltd (ABN 63 091 415 833, AFSL 25 09 63) is the trustee for the Centuria Manning Mall Fund. Centuria Property Funds No.3 Ltd is part of the ASX-200 listed Centuria Capital Group (ASX:CNI)(Centuria). The Fund is open to wholesale investors only. Centuria will require certification of your wholesale status prior to investment. This information is general information only and does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any person. You should consider whether this information is appropriate for you and consult your financial or other professional adviser before investing. You should also obtain and read a copy of the IM when available, relating to the Fund before making a decision to invest. Centuria and its associates will receive fees in relation to an investment in the Fund as disclosed in the IM. Investment in the Fund is subject to risks including possible delays in payment or loss of income and principal invested. Centuria does not guarantee the performance of the Fund. Information collected by Centuria Capital Group (ASX:CNI) and its subsidiaries may contain personal information. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for information about how we handle your personal information, your rights to seek access to and correct your personal information, and how to complain about breaches of your privacy by CNI. Centuria has also issued a Financial Services Guide which can be accessed on our website.