Centuria Office REIT (ASX:COF) investor centre
Centuria Office REIT (ASX:COF) offers investors a chance to invest in commercial property via a real estate investment trust (listed property trust).
Centuria Office REIT (ASX:COF) offers investors a chance to invest in commercial property via a real estate investment trust (listed property trust).
Security price information is delayed 20 minutes. Please refresh the page for an update.
ASX quote | |
Currency |
Market capitalisation | |
Number of shares outstanding |
Last price | |
Bid price | |
Offer price | |
Day high | |
Day low | |
Volume | |
Turnover |
52 week high | |
52 week low | |
Price change - 4 week | |
Price change - 52 week | |
Price change - YTD | |
12 month VWAP |
Volume and price trend
Data and chart supplied by Iguana2
Share price from to
Distribution date | Distribution rate (cents/unit) |
Payment notice for period |
31 January 2025 | 2.525 cents | Q2 FY25 |
28 October 2024 | 2.525 cents | Q1 FY25 |
16 August 2024 | 3.000 cents | Q4 FY24 |
30 April 2024 | 3.000 cents | Q3 FY24 |
31 January 2024 | 3.000 cents | Q2 FY24 |
27 October 2023 | 3.000 cents | Q1 FY24 |
18 August 2023 | 3.525 cents | Q4 FY23 |
28 April 2023 | 3.525 cents | Q3 FY23 |
31 January 2023 | 3.525 cents | Q2 FY23 |
28 October 2022 | 3.525 cents | Q1 FY23 |
5 August 2022 | 4.150 cents | Q4 FY22 |
4 May 2022 | 4.150 cents | Q3 FY22 |
28 January 2022 | 4.150 cents | Q2 FY22 |
28 October 2021 | 4.150 cents | Q1 FY22 |
10 August 2021 | 4.125 cents | Q4 FY21 |
29 April 2021 | 4.125 cents | Q3 FY21 |
28 January 2021 | 4.125 cents | Q2 FY21 |
30 October 2020 | 4.125 cents | Q1 FY21 |
10 August 2020 | 4.450 cents | Q4 FY20 |
29 April 2020 | 4.450 cents | Q3 FY20 |
24 January 2020 | 4.450 cents | Q2 FY20 |
30 October 2019 | 4.450 cents | Q1 FY20 |
9 August 2019 | 4.358 cents | Q4 FY19 |
29 April 2019 | 4.358 cents | Q3 FY19 |
31 January 2019 | 4.358 cents | Q2 FY19 |
26 October 2018 | 4.525 cents | Q1 FY19 |
27 July 2018 | 4.525 cents | Q4 FY18 |
27 April 2018 | 4.525 cents | Q3 FY18 |
31 January 2018 | 4.525 cents | Q2 FY18 |
31 October 2017 | 4.525 cents | Q1 FY18 |
28 July 2017 | 4.375 cents | Q4 FY17 |
28 April 2017 | 4.375 cents | Q3 FY17 |
30 January 2017 | 4.375 cents | Q2 FY17 |
28 October 2016 | 4.375 cents | Q1 FY17 |
12 August 2016 | 4.250 cents | Q4 FY16 |
31 March 2016 | 4.250 cents | Q3 FY16 |
12 February 2016 | 4.250 cents | Q2 FY16 |
11 November 2015 | 4.250 cents | Q1 FY16 |
12 August 2015 | 4.160 cents | Q4 FY15 |
24 April 2015 | 5.060 cents | Q3 FY15 |
All forms for investors and advisers are also available via Centuria Investor website.
View the Centuria Office REIT distribution reinvestment plan.
Notice of reliance on ASIC Class Order [CO 13/655]: Centuria Property Funds Limited as responsible entity of Centuria Office REIT has elected to rely on ASIC Class Order [CO 13/655]